Count on Me (Bayview Heights Trilogy)
him to take some juice and crackers.” She scowled. “Yesterday he had apples, though. They never agree with him, but he sneaked them when I wasn’t looking.”
    “That’s probably it.” Kurt circled around Zoe and crossed to the door. “I can go over, if you like.”
    “Let’s wait a bit. Philip insists I’m being overprotective.” She leaned into Seth. “But Josh is so little.”
    “He’s six, honey. We got three littler ones.”
    She shrugged.
    “Let’s tackle hooking up the washer and dryer, then,” Mitch suggested to Kurt. “Seth, you want to help?”
    “No. I’m not good with machines. I’ll set up the crib in Camille’s room. I’m an expert at that!” He laughed.
    Zoe headed back to the den, struggling to stay cheerful. She was happy that the Lansings and Taylors had settled into ordinary family life. Both couples had endured hardships and deserved some joy in simple things like home and kids.
    So did she.
    As she watched Kurt disappear through the doorway, she wished…
    But stopped herself. It was time to move on.
    AT ONE O’CLOCK the dryer was working. Kurt dropped the wrench into a toolbox and stood. “I’m going next door.”
    “Why?” Mitch asked.
    “Just a feeling. I want to check on Josh.”
    “You gonna tell Lacey?”
    “No, let me see him first. No need to worry her further.”
    Forgoing a jacket, Kurt left by the side entrance and jogged across the lawn from the Lansings’ new house to the Taylors. The sun beat down on his head, refreshing him. He knocked at the garage door and Celia opened it.
    “Hi, Kurt. Lacey send you to check on Josh?”
    “No, I just had a minute and came over. Where is he?”
    “Upstairs with Philip. We’ve taken turns sitting with him. He’s not sleeping well.”
    Alarm tingled along Kurt’s spine. “I know the way.” Hurrying down the hall to the stairs, he mounted the steps two at a time and found Josh’s room. “Philip?”
    Philip turned. A look of relief washed over his weathered face. He shook his head. “I was just going to call Mitch’s. Josh isn’t any better. Maybe worse. Celia said I should have called sooner. I’m sorry.”
    Kurt stared down at the bed. Josh was in a fetal position, hugging his knees. “How long has he had his legs up like that?”
    “About fifteen minutes. And he’s hot now.”
    Quickly Kurt crossed to Josh. Felt his forehead. It was sweaty. He soothed the boy’s blond hair. Though not her natural child, Josh looked amazingly like Lacey. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, Kurt gently turned Josh from his side. He moaned and opened his eyes. When Kurt tried to pull down his legs, he stiffened. “Got a tummyache, Josh?” Kurt asked.
    Big blue eyes rounded on him. “I want my daddy.”
    “Call Seth and Lacey,” Kurt said to Philip. “Tell them to come over.”
    Philip swallowed hard and left the room.
    Insinuating his hand between the boy’s torso and knees, Kurt prodded his stomach. Josh cried out. Kurt checked Josh’s pulse and examined his eyes.
    When Philip came back, Kurt asked, “Has he vomited?”
    “No.” Philip looked worriedly at Josh.
    “Get me a damp cloth, would you? Lukewarm water.”
    Philip returned with the wet washcloth just as Lacey and Seth appeared at the doorway. The Lansings and Zoe were lined up behind them. By this time, Josh was moaning loudly.
    “What is it?” Lacey asked, rushing into the room, her face white.
    Kurt mopped Josh’s brow and said calmly, “He has symptoms of appendicitis, Lace.”
    “ What? ”
    “Just symptoms. I won’t know for sure until I see blood tests, but his lower right quadrant is extremely tender.” Kurt glanced up. “Mitch, go get the Bronco. You and Seth can ride in front.” He began to wrap Josh in the light quilt. “Lacey, you ride in back with me and Josh.”
    “Shouldn’t we call an ambulance?” Seth asked.
    “This’ll be quicker.” He pulled his keys out of his pocket. “Somebody get my bag out of my

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