Council of War
is hundreds of leagues from where the attack took place," Kalina said. "How will we ever manage to pick them up?"
    "They are in no hurry to rejoin the group," frowned Button. "In fact, I think Haditha fears losing the captain when he returns to us. Captain Gomery did say that he would be available if and when you need him, but I think he is content to stay with her in the meantime."
    "Is it safe there?" asked Garth. "We think the Federation now knows that a water witch helped us with the attack on the fleet."
    "Squirt will have to inform them of the new danger," replied Button, "but they appear quite safe. The mines are massive, and it would take a lot of soldiers to search them all. Haditha does not appear to be concerned at all. She says that a whole city could hide in the mines."
    "Really?" brightened Morro. "What about food and water?"
    "There is plenty of seafood," answered Button, "and there is a natural spring on the island. The dwarves even tapped into it to deliver water underground."
    "Any sign of the dwarves?" asked Garth.
    "Not living," answered Button, "but the captain found a bottomless chasm that he thinks they used to commit suicide. Hundreds of piles of clothes were left alongside the chasm and words were chiseled into the wall."
    "What words?" asked Garth.
    "The vein is played out," reported the fairy. "There is no more gold to fulfill the quota, but you will have no need for punishment. While life may be precious to some, we can no longer abide under such misery. Let this be the end of it all. It was signed King Drak, and there were some funny carvings underneath it."
    "What kind of funny carvings?" asked Natia.
    "I will show you," replied Button as she leaped off of Tedi's hand and started using her feet to draw the symbols in the dirt.
    "I have seen symbols like that before," mused Garth.
    "So have I," nodded Kalina, "but little good that will do us. We saw those symbols in the mines of the dwarves in both Lanto and Dorgun. They use them to specify directions to other miners when they are digging a new tunnel, but I have no idea how to interpret them."
    "Nor are we likely to find anyone in Zara who can interpret them," sighed Garth. "It is of little concern anyway. The symbols were probably already on the wall when King Drak wrote his farewell address. At least we finally know what became of the dwarves. It seems that they took the opposite approach from the elves and refused to remain as slaves."
    "Karl Gree has also accepted the challenge of leaving Aranak," continued the fairy. "He wants to know where to go and when to leave."
    "They should head towards Tyronia," answered Garth. "They are to seek out Sidney Mercado. I am sure that he will aid them. As to when, the sooner the better."
    "Should I return there immediately then?" frowned Button.
    "No," smiled Garth. "You have done fine and deserve a rest. I will send Bitsy later tonight."
    "It might not be bad to make an early night of this anyway," interjected Kalina. "I am still a bit tired from my use of magic in the city."
    "The strain of being captive in an enemy city didn't help either," nodded Garth. "We are in no hurry tomorrow. Let's get some sleep and plan our journey in the morning."
    The group finished off the stew and cleaned up the campsite before retiring for the night.
    It was still dark when Kalina woke up, but the birds were already chirping, and dawn was not far away. She heard no movement in the camp, but her eyes were drawn towards the narrow trail leading to the road anyway. She blinked as she saw the old man silently leading his mule out of the clearing. She wanted to call after him and offer him some food, but she didn't want to wake the whole camp. In that moment of hesitation, Garth began mumbling and tossing about in his sleep. She let the old man go without food.

Chapter 6
    The chamber was dimly lit, and a dwarf stood with his arms crossed as he stared at the black, gaping rent in the floor. The chasm was almost as

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