Copping Attitude
    When Internal Affairs Detective Noah James spotted Vice Detective Kate Spenser across the bar, his pulse instantly picked up and his dick shot to painful attention.  Not because of the sight of the pretty redhead, but because lately, wherever Kate was, her former college roommate, Jenna Mills, was sure to follow.  Since blowing into town over three weeks ago, she’d been everywhere—stopping by the station, meeting Kate at her local hangouts, even using the gym down the street that Noah belonged to.  Sure enough, when Noah shifted his gaze to the right…
    He nearly groaned when he spotted her.  Jesus, she was gorgeous.  A literal wet dream, straight off the pages of a men’s magazine.  Pale blond hair, big blue eyes, and high cheekbones reminiscent of Grace Kelly: each was a stunning compliment to her lush hourglass figure.  She’d gained weight since she’d modeled for Playboy magazine—hell, that had been over ten years ago and she’d only been twenty then—and he found her to be even more beautiful now.  Soft and curvy, just the way a woman should be.  Just the way he liked.  
    He couldn’t help but imagine how her pale skin and hair would look against his darker exterior, a proud announcement of his Hispanic heritage.  They’d compliment one another perfectly.  Soft and hard.  Light and dark.  His straight-and-honed compared to her curved-and-lush. 
    Maldito .
    His mouth twisted ruefully.  It was a damn shame she wasn’t interested.  Twice already, she’d blown off his attempts to get to know her, but Noah didn’t take the rejection personally.  Half the police department had hit on her, always with the same result.  And although he’d been turned down a time or two before, he’d always moved on good-naturedly, never giving the woman another thought.  There were, after all, so many women to enjoy, and variety was the spice of life. 
    Still, even though he hadn’t taken her rejections personally, he hadn’t been able to put Jenna Mills out of his mind as easily as he had those other women.  When it came to her, the only variety he seemed interested in was an unending selection of sexual positions and fantasies.  Lately, when he found himself attracted to someone else, it was because the woman somehow reminded him of Jenna.  His obsession with her confused him, but he’d figured it would pass eventually. 
    Now, looking at her, he wasn’t so sure it would.
    There was something about her that got to him.  Something that made his dominant side rear its usually slumberous head.  He liked a rough fuck-and-tumble now and again, just like any other guy, but more often he preferred to charm and pamper a woman rather than dominate her.  With Jenna, he wanted to pamper her, but he also wanted to hold her down and shove himself inside her, not letting her go until he’d wrung countless screams of pleasure and at least three or four orgasms from her before finally surrendering to his own.  He wanted to make her take his dick in her mouth and suck him off, but only because he knew it was exactly what she wanted.  And then he wanted to take his time with her, caressing and kissing every part of her body until she felt cherished and mesmerized by the pleasure he could bring her.  
    Of course, none of that was going to happen.  Fantasy was just that.  In the real world, no meant no, and she’d been quite clear that she wasn’t interested.  She didn’t appear to have changed her mind either. 
    He studied her as she spoke to a waitress.  She wore a golden cashmere sweater and jeans the way other women wore diamonds and a mink coat.  Her hair was curled into big sexy waves and she had her requisite heavy make-up in place, transforming her delicate features into the same distant mask that always kept him tense and watchful.  At least, she was distant to any man who approached her.  She seemed fine talking to other women, but if anything with balls came anywhere

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