Cooking Your Way to Gorgeous
T-zone, muddle (mash/mix together) the basil in a small bowl and then place on the T-zone for about 1 minute. Rinse off. This should keep the oil zone balanced all day.

    Turkey Burger Sliders
and Yogurt Sauce
    Makes 8 Mini-Sliders
    T his recipe uses cumin, a distinct spice present in almost every Indian dish. Cumin is rich in vitamin E, a nutrient widely known for its ability to rejuvenate skin. Middle Eastern and Mexican cuisines use a lot of cumin, too, perhaps because of its pungent flavor, or for its amazing antiseptic properties. Cumin is high in iron and is good for the digestive system. Many people mix cumin with warm water and drink it at night as a tea to curb digestive troubles. Cumin is high in antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin A, which provide numerous benefits to the skin. The antiseptic properties help fight infection and make cumin a useful treatment for skin challenges. In this recipe, its nutty, peppery flavor adds zing to the turkey meat. Turkey meat is a good blank canvas for spicing and tastes delicious with a spike of cumin. Selenium is another superfood your skin needs to thrive. Whole wheat breads, turkey, and Brazil nuts are great sources of selenium.
    Ingredients: Burger
    1 pound ground turkey—protein
    1/2 teaspoon rock salt
    1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
    1 tablespoon crushed Brazil nuts
    Tabasco, to taste—capsaicin
    Pinch cumin powder
    1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
    1-1/2 cups plain nonfat Greek yogurt—a favorite among athletes and healthy eaters
    1/4 cup shredded cucumber—hydration
    2 teaspoons chopped fresh dill
    1-1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustard—high in selenium
    1 teaspoon garlic powder
    4 whole wheat rolls, split
    2 avocados, cut into wedges, as garnish
    1 In a medium-size bowl, gently mix the turkey, salt, pepper, crushed nuts, Tabasco, and cumin.
    2 Form the mixture into eight balls. Flatten into patties, about 1-inch thick.
    3 In a large skillet over medium-high heat, warm the oil.
    4 Add the burgers and cook for 5 to 6 minutes per side, figure 5 minutes for every 1 inch of thickness.
    5 While the burgers cook, mix the yogurt, cucumber, dill, mustard, and garlic powder in a small bowl.
    6 Dollop the sauce on top of each burger, cap with a bun, and serve with a wedge of avocado.
    Freeze the yogurt until firm and very cold. Fold in the mustard and cumin with the yogurt. Apply to face. The cold helps with facial puffiness; yogurt hyperhydrates and balances texture and tone. Cumin acts as an antimicrobial agent to clarify skin. Mustard helps stimulate circulation and gently exfoliates
dead skin cells. Exfoliation plays an important role in skin’s youthful appearance, as it rids the skin of dull, dead skin cells. Cell turnover in young, supple skin takes anywhere from 7 to 14 days; turnover in mature skin can take up to a month.
    If you don’t feel like cooking tonight but want to treat your face right, try this sensitive-skin facial. Plain acidophilus yogurt helps restore a supportive bacterial environment for sensitive or enflamed skin, and mixing it with honey and lemon moisturizes and leaves skin smooth with shrunken pores. Apply a thin layer of this natural concoction to your face. Let it dry and leave on for up to 1 hour. So easy
to look beautiful!
    Avocado-Grapefruit Relish
    T his is a basic recipe I literally thought of while gazing into my refrigerator’s crisper drawer. It’s easy to get creative when you let yourself flow!
    1 large ripe avocado
    1/2 pink grapefruit
    1 clove garlic
    1/2 bunch cilantro
    Place all the ingredients in a food processor, pulse for 5 seconds.
Serve cold.
    An avocado mask can improve very dry skin, smoothing your skin to its natural supple state. Smash 1/2 of an avocado until whipped, and apply a thin layer to your face, avoiding the eye area. Rinse with warm

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