Cooking Well: Multiple Sclerosis

Cooking Well: Multiple Sclerosis by Marie-Annick Courtier Page A

Book: Cooking Well: Multiple Sclerosis by Marie-Annick Courtier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie-Annick Courtier
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minutes. Heat the tomato sauce and serve with the cooked stuffed peppers.
    nutritional facts
    Per Serving: 281 Cal (20% from Fat, 41% from Protein, 39% from Carb); 29 g Protein; 6 g Tot Fat; 2 g Sat Fat; 2 g Mono Fat; 28 g Carb; 5 g Fiber; 8 g Sugar; 67 mg Calcium; 3 mg Iron; 450 mg Sodium; 65 mg Cholesterol

Turkey Chili
    serves 4
    1 teaspoon canola oil
    1 large onion, diced (about 8 ounces)
    1 medium green bell pepper; cored, seeded, and diced (about 6 ounces)
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    1 pound ground turkey
    15 ounces canned diced tomatoes
    2 ounces tomato paste
    1 ¼ cup chicken stock (low-fat and low-sodium)
    12 ounces cooked kidney beans or pinto beans
    1 teaspoon dried thyme
    1 teaspoon dried oregano
    2 teaspoons ground cumin
    2 tablespoons chili powder
    ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
    Salt to taste
cooking instructions
    Heat the oil in a deep pan over medium heat. Add the meat and brown slightly. Remove the excess fat rendered by the meat. Add the onion, pepper, garlic, and mix well. Stir in the tomatoes, tomato paste, stock, herbs, and spices. Bring to a boil and reduce heat. Simmer uncovered for 30 to 40 minutes. Stir occasionally and thicken longer, if necessary. Add the beans and bring to a simmer. Adjust seasoning and serve immediately.
    nutritional facts
    Per Serving: 350 Cal (16% from Fat, 41% from Protein, 43% from Carb); 37 g Protein; 6 g Tot Fat; 1 g Sat Fat; 1 g Mono Fat; 39 g Carb; 10 g Fiber; 5 g Sugar; 105 mg Calcium; 7 mg Iron; 646 mg Sodium; 74 mg Cholesterol

Mediterranean Portobello Burger
    serves 4
    4 teaspoons olive oil
    4 large Portobello mushroom caps
    2 garlic cloves, minced
    4 onion slices
    8 tomato slices
    4 teaspoons feta cheese
    4 tablespoons roasted red bell peppers spread
    4 teaspoons black olives
    8 large basil leaves
    Bunch of lettuce leaves, wide enough to wrap the Portobello mushrooms
    Cider vinegar
    Salt and pepper to taste
    Suggestion: Combine with the Quinoa and Apricot Salad for a healthy meal .
cooking instructions
    Preheat the grill on medium heat. Brush the Portobello mushrooms with olive oil and sprinkle them with pepper. Grill the mushroom caps for 2 minutes on each side. Grill the onion slices. Turn the mushrooms so that the top of the mushroom cap is on the grill. Now you can fill the inside cavity with the red bell pepper spread, garlic, olives, and season to taste. Grill for another minute or two.
    Place each Portobello mushroom on a bunch of lettuce leaves (cap up-side down), add 1 tablespoon feta cheese, 1 grilled onion slice, 2 tomato slices, 2 basil leaves, and sprinkle with vinegar. Close the lettuce leaves to seal and serve immediately.
    nutritional facts
    Per Serving: 115 Cal (43% from Fat, 18% from Protein, 39% from Carb); 6 g Protein; 6 g Tot Fat; 1 g Sat Fat; g Mono Fat; 13 g Carb; 3 g Fiber; g Sugar; 61 mg Calcium; 1 mg Iron; 197 mg Sodium; 3 mg Cholesterol

Side Dishes & Snacks
    O ftentimes, proteins are the focus of meals. However, you must not forget about the importance of side dishes and snacks. For one thing, their nutritional value can help complete a day’s minimum requirements for fiber, vitamin and mineral intake. Once more, Carefully chosen snacks and side dishes keep us from becoming bored with food. This is key, for it is often boredom that leads us to binge on poor food choices.
    Side dishes should emphasize plenty of vegetables and include an appropriate amount of complex carbohydrates based on your daily activities. Emphasize whole grains rather than refined grains, as they contain antioxidants, lignans, and minerals which flight cancer and reduce oxidation in the body.
    Always keep the fat content low in your snacks and side dishes. Snacks should also feature fresh food sources such as fruits, and vegetables high in calcium. Nuts are good too, as long as you are not allergic. Low-fat dairies (cottage cheese and yogurt) should also be a priority on your snacks list because they contain calcium, essential vitamins, and live

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