4-6; cultural and educational, 31, 74n; books and reading in, 169-71; music, 343-5, 348-9, 366, 372, 474; sporting, 425, 428, 430-1, 440-51, 454, 456-7, 462; see also under individual towns and cities
coal: prices, 73
Cobb, Thomas, 133
Coburg Theatre, London (later Old Vic), 300, 319, 329-30
cocoa: consumption, 56n
Cochrane Stores (Scotland), 84n
cock-throwing, 420
cockfighting, 420
Cocks, James, 382
coffee: consumption, 56n
coffee houses, 5n, 56, 126-7; books and reading in, 169, 171
Colburn’s Modern Novelists series, 188
Cole, Sir Henry: and planning of Great Exhibition, 8-9, 11-12, 15, 28; founds South Kensington Museum, 403-4; and Christmas cards, 484-6; Home Treasury , 9; as designer ‘Felix Summerly’, 9; as campaigning journalist, 10-11
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 172
Collard (piano manufacturer), 361
Colman, George, 238-9, 379; The Clandestine Marriage (with David Garrick), 25-6
Colman, George, the younger: Blue Beard; or, Female Curiosity , 315-16; The Quadrupeds of Quedlingburgh , 316
Colosseum, Regent’s Park, 270, 272
Combe, William: Tour of Dr Syntax in Search of the Picturesque , 198n
comfort: concept of, 23, 26
common land see enclosures
Compton Comedy Company (theatrical), 302
Concert of Antient Music, 345, 348-9, 366
concerts: in Bath, 233; public, 343-4, 346, 348-54, 367; and virtuoso players, 365-6; ticket prices, 366; promenade, 367-8; parlour, 374
Constable’s Miscellany (publisher’s series), 188
consumerism: development, xv-xvi, 26
Contour Road Books , 456
Cook, Captain James: accounts of voyages, 197-8
Cook, John, 36
Cook, Thomas: excursions to Great Exhibition, 33-6, 41; on railways and regulation of time, 194-5; Monday tours, 208, 225; organizes excursion travel, 225-9; organizes trips to Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition, 408
Cooper, James Fenimore, 190, 259
Co-operative movement, 80-3
Co-operative Trading Association, 80
Co-operative Wholesale Society, 81-2
Co-operator, The ( journal), 80
Copley, John Singleton, 387-90
Coram, Thomas, 382
Corder, William (murderer), 181
Cornelys, Teresa, 348
Corporation of the Sons of the Clergy, 344
Cosway, Richard, 7n, 383 country-houses: visiting, 201-2, 212-15, 392
Courier (newspaper), 130
Court Magazine , 221
Covent Garden (theatre), 238-9, 293, 295-6, 304, 315-16, 319, 327-8
Cowper, William: Poems , 223
Cox, David: The Hayfield (painting), 410
Cox’s Museum, 253, 269
Cramer, J.B., 359-60
Cramer, Wilhelm, 348
Crane, Walter, 487
credit: at shops, 45; Wedgwood offers, 68
Cremorne Gardens, London, 280
cricket: guides and books on, 204-5; and football playing, 440
Crim.-Con. Gazette , 142 crime: reported in popular newspapers, 141
Crimean War: newspaper coverage, 141 crinolines, 19
Crosthwaite, Peter, 217
Cruikshank, George (illustrator), 159; Life in London , 178; The Bottle , 324; Fairy Library , 306n
Cruikshank, Robert (illustrator), Life in London , 179
Crystal Palace: houses Great Exhibition, 3, 17, 26, 37; moved to Sydenham, 282-3; concerts at, 368
Cubitt, Thomas, 11 & n
Cullwick, Hannah, 475
Cumberland, Richard, 295
Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of, 278
Cushman, James, 25
cycling: as sport, 453, 455-6; popularization, 455-9; journals, 458; dress, 462-3
Cyclists Touring Club (CTC), 456-7, 462
Czerny, Karl, 360; see also music, pianos
Dadd, Richard, 306n
Daguerre, Louis, 266, 270; see also photography
Daily Advertiser , 7
Daily Chronicle , 119, 147
Daily News , 147
Daily Telegraph : price and sales, 147; sports reporting, 154; advertisements, 162
Dam, H.J.W.: The Shop Girl , 340
Dance, George, the younger, 390
Dance, Nathaniel, 383n
Darley, Thomas, 426
Darwen News , 444-6
Darwin, Erasmus, 74 & n
Darwin, Susannah ( née Wedgwood), 69n
Davenport, John & Co. (store): low prices, 54
Davies, John, 448, 452
Davy, Sir Humphry, 172, 474n
Day’s Library, 187
Defoe, Daniel, 51; Complete Tradesman , 106
department stores: beginnings and development, 85; display, 101; middle-class appeal, 110; quality and range of goods, 111; service departments, 112-13;
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