
Constantinopolis by James Shipman

Book: Constantinopolis by James Shipman Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Shipman
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contained until nightfall, when I can rebuild and reinforce any actual breach. With any luck at all, even with cannon, we will be able to hold the siege for a long time, years even, assuming the city has ample food.”
    “Don’t worry about our food supplies,” said Constantine. We own the seas. The Turks have no navy to speak of. They may have been able to cut off the Black Sea, but I can reinforce the city from the Sea of Marmara pretty much at will. As long as supplies are sent from the west, the city will have plenty to eat for as long as we need it.”
    “What about the Dardanelles? Do not the Turks control both sides of the straits into the Sea of Marmara?”
    “They do, but as you saw when you came through, they have not closed off the straight like they have the Bosporus. And even if they tried to cut them off with forts and cannon a fort or two may be able to stop a single ship, but never a fleet. We will be able to supply the city so long as aid actually does come from the west.”
    “I think we are in excellent position then My Lord.”
    “Thank you Giovanni, truly you have been the miracle from God we awaited.”
    Sphrantzes and Loukas added their assent, and the Greeks rode back through the gates to the Palace. They made their way to the Emperor’s council hall and after a light meal and some wine, sat down to further discuss the situation.
    “He certainly has done more for us than we could have done ourselves,” said Constantine.
    “I am amazed at his ability,” said Notaras. “I had my doubts when he first arrived, but he has knowledge none of us possess. What fortune to have someone with significant previous experience in siege warfare.”
    “That observation brings up a difficult issue,” said Sphrantzes.
    “What issue is that?”
    “Well my Lord, our friend Notaras is the commander of our forces in the city, but by his own admission, is no expert in siege warfare.”
    “What are you trying to say Sphrantzes?” asked Notaras.
    “Candidly, and I beg your pardon, I am trying to say that I believe our Emperor should appoint Giovanni overall commander of the city’s defenses. I know you are going to be angry about this Notaras, but really, we need to use the resources we have. You are more of a sailor than a soldier, and you will be needed in the Golden Horn against any navy that Mehmet might put together. We cannot afford to make mistakes in the land defenses. If Giovanni has to find you for permission to deal with an emergency issue, it might be too late. He has stressed again and again that it will be critical to close any breach the moment it happens. We cannot have him looking for permission from Loukas at the moment he should be commanding the attack. Not only that, but what if a local commander challenged Giovanni’s authority? People need to know who is in charge, and his orders must be answered immediately and without question.”
    Constantine could tell Notaras was furious. He had started to interrupt Sphrantzes several times.
    “What you propose is unprecedented Sphrantzes,” fumed Notaras. “I am the Megadux. It is my right and my responsibility to command all military forces in the city. You propose that I command the navy. What navy? Our tiny collection of ships? And against what? A couple of ramshackle boats the Sultan cobbles together. I will defend the city! Giovanni can work with me. I will give orders to all our forces that he is to be obeyed as if I gave the order. That will be enough for everyone concerned.”
    “And what about the Genoese?” asked Sphrantzes. “They control Galata. We need their aid. We have a Genoan soldier, a famous one, right here in the city, right now. He knows more about warfare than all of us together. If we give him command of the defenses, it is very likely that the Genoans in Galata will come to our aid as well. Is that not another reason to give him the command?”
    “You scheme and scheme against me Sphrantzes, but you will not win out

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