Conflicted (The Existing Series Book 2)

Conflicted (The Existing Series Book 2) by A.M. Guilliams Page A

Book: Conflicted (The Existing Series Book 2) by A.M. Guilliams Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.M. Guilliams
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I had no clue what he’d ask. How I’d respond. Everything was up in the air, and I didn’t know how to handle that. The uncertainty lingered in the air causing my throat to tighten in fear. What if he decided that neither of us deserved Grace? Holy shit. I’d never thought of that. I tried to calm my breathing, but I felt like I was hyperventilating at just the thought of having her taken from me.
    “Mr. Corbin, I see here that you’ve signed the documents presented by Ms. Campbell’s counsel. But I just want to make sure that you understand the severity of what that entails. Do you understand that legally you will be the sole provider of Grace Corbin? Do you understand that you can’t go after Ms. Campbell for child support or any other means of financial help? Do you understand that you will be the sole person making decisions on behalf of the child and her welfare?” the judge asked as he looked at me. His expression not showing an ounce of emotion.
    Money didn’t matter to me. I didn’t want nor need her money.
    Being the sole decision maker scared me. Terrified me even. But that was because I didn’t want to disappoint my child or steer her in the wrong direction.
    Without hesitation, I replied, “I understand all of the above, Your Honor.”
    I didn’t want to go overboard with my response so I figured a yes or no would suffice.
    “How old is the child, Grace Corbin?” the judge asked.
    “She’s two, Your Honor,” I replied.
    “And where does the child currently reside?”
    “We’re currently living with my parents’ in Nelson County. I decided to move back home so Grace didn’t have a constant reminder that her mom wasn’t there. We’re leaning on my family for support until Grace gets settled into her new normal. I’m looking for a place of my own, but Grace has her own room at my parents’. Her own playroom to enjoy. The house is completely child proofed. She’s safe,” I explained. I felt the need to go overboard so he could see how much I put Grace first. How she was the top priority in my life.
    “How do you plan to support the child on your own?”
    “Currently, I’m the lead mechanic at my place of employment. However, I’m in the process of opening my own business which will be closer to home. I can have my own hours and be home when Grace needs me the most instead of spending that time driving home. I’ve already got a care plan in place for when I’m at work. I’ve applied for Grace to attend a preschool next year so that she gets the interaction she needs with other children in a classroom setting,” I replied, feeling really proud that I’d done all of this on my own since she had left.
    “I have a big decision to make. We’re going to take a thirty-minute recess, and I’ll be back with my decision,” he replied, then quickly exited the courtroom.
    My head reeled with the uncertainty and the unknown of Mackenzie’s situation. I had to find out the problem. What caused her to leave. Without knowing, I couldn’t justify this decision, but I also couldn’t stop it. I had to know what to tell Grace when she was old enough to understand why her mom left.
    I stood up and walked over to her side of the courtroom, clearing my throat to gain her attention.
    She looked up at me, dark circles loomed underneath her eyes indicating how little she’d slept.
    “I need to know why, Mackenzie. I need to know what would make you leave before I leave here today,” I explained even though all I wanted to do was yell and shake her until she revealed the secret she’d been keeping before she left.
    She shook her head and closed her eyes, refusing to answer. Who does that? A selfish person that’s who.
    “Your daughter deserves to know when she’s older,” I gritted through my teeth, hoping that would give her the push to start talking.
    “All will be explained in due time, Weston. That’s all I can say for now,” she whispered.
    “You could tell me if you wanted to. But

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