Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete

Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete by Kate Kent Page B

Book: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete by Kate Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kent
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    Brad leaned in and whispered in my ear, his hot breath making my loins tingle. “My apartment is just around the corner and I can’t wait to get you naked.”
    A wave of anticipation washed over me. I couldn’t wait to get this hunky wolf man naked either!

    Brad’s apartment was just like him…smooth and modern, yet masculine at the same time. I made a mental note to add a few feminine touches, but other than that, I could see myself fitting in quite well. I nestled onto the couch, flipping off my heels and tucking my legs underneath me.
    “Drink, babe?” Brad asked.
    “Sure, I’d love a glass of wine.”
    “It’s coming right up.” Brad uncorked a bottle of red, poured a glass of wine and gulped it down. Then, he gulped down a second glass. Uh-oh, did he have a drinking problem?
    But then, he pulled a clean wine glass from his cupboard, poured a single glass of wine, and handed it to me.
    “You’re not having one with me?” I was surprised, but then again, I guess he had swilled down two already.
    “Yeah I will, but if you don’t mind, I need to go for a run first.”
    “You want to go for a run?” What the heck?
    “Yeah, it just gets me cranked up,” Brad winked, “if you know what I mean.”
    I knew exactly what Brad meant. It was common knowledge that going for a run increased a shifter’s sex drive. It just hurt a little that he needed to run before he made love to me. What was up with that?
    Brad started pulling off his clothes. I’d never seen a shifter change before and it was fascinating to watch, not to mention I got the pleasure of Brad’s body. And what a body it was. Brad was chiseled, with a well-defined musculature. I made a point not to check out his package though. I would save that pleasure for later. As he stripped, his whole body bristled with an electric energy as his bones elongated, fur grew, and his body hunched over. In just moments he had transformed into his wolf, and it was shocking to see this hairy beast before me. He nudged the door open and was off.
    I had no idea how long he’d be gone so I curled up on the couch. Despite my catnap earlier, I was still tired, and I decided to doze off for a while. It was hard to sleep though. I kept seeing Evan and Grant, and the look of hurt and disappointment in their eyes when I told them I had a different mate in mind.
    It seemed like just minutes later that I felt soft kisses on my face. I looked up to see Brad standing over me with a towel wrapped around his waist.
    “I just got out of the shower, babe. I think you’d better take one too.”
    “Me? Do I look messy or something?”
    Brad chuckled. “No, it will just refresh you. I left clean towels on the counter.
    “Okaaay…” My guts thought it was a little weird that Brad wanted me totally washed before he made love to me. He seemed like a bit of a clean freak. But then again, how bad could that be?
    I went into the bathroom, stripped down and took a hot shower. I made sure to clean everything thoroughly. I didn’t want any complaints from Brad.
    I wrapped a towel around my body and went back into the bedroom. Brad was stretched out on the bed buck naked, a glass of wine in his hands. I did a double take as I took in his body. He was so perfect…like a Greek God. My eyes trailed down his muscular chest to his thighs. I gulped. He was generously endowed too. Brad was Mr. Perfect.
    “Take off your towel,” Brad demanded. He set his wine down on the nightstand.
    The first time I was naked in front of a man, I was always a little shy. I was comfortable with my curves and the scars on my belly, but I was never sure how a man would react. “I will,” I said. “Let me sit down for a minute first.” I sat down on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath. I knew I should be in heaven. I was here with the man of my dreams, Brad Stanford. Yet, there was a queasy feeling in my stomach. It wasn’t how I imagine it would

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