Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete

Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete by Kate Kent Page A

Book: Confessions of a Mail Order Bride - Complete by Kate Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kent
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in my belly threw me off guard. But before I had time to react, a deep, male voice called out to me from behind.
    “Judith…I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
    It had to be…Brad!
    As I turned around, Brad pulled my body towards his and pressed me against his chest. He looked just like his photograph—so handsome and he smelled just as I had imagined—spicy and warm. It felt so good to finally be in his arms. “Sorry I’m late Judith, I got caught up in some work.”
    I smiled. “I know you have a high pressure job. I can handle it.” Of course I was disappointed that Brad had not made me a priority on our first meeting, but I knew how important work was. You didn’t become successful and rich like Brad without putting in a lot of time.
    “Err…ah…” I could hear Grant clearing his throat and l looked over at him and Evan. They were both watching me with disappointment reflected in their eyes. I felt bad, but after all, I had told them I was here to meet my mate.
    “Evan, Grant, this is Brad. Brad, this is Evan and Grant.” The men acknowledged one another. I could see that Evan and Grant were not too happy.
    “We already know each other,” Grant said, curling his lip. It was obvious he was not a fan of Brad’s.
    “Yeah, I know who the baker boys are,” Brad waved his hand dismissively. “Thanks for taking care of my girl, but I’m here now. Come on Judith, let’s go find a quiet spot to talk.”
    Brad grabbed my hand and I mouthed goodbye to the two bear shifters. They were great guys and I hoped they would meet the right mate for them soon.
    For the rest of the night, Brad and I talked about our jobs and lives. It was a little awkward, but I was sure with time it would become easy and relaxed. It didn’t help that Grant and Evan were practically stalking us. I could feel their eyes burning into me and I made a point not to look over at them. I guess Brad could feel it too. He grabbed my hand and asked me to leave the reception and go to the Dixie Diner, a little café around the corner.
    I found Sherry and complimented her on the beautiful wedding and told her we were leaving. She wished me luck with Brad. Just seeing her so glowing and happy made me want what she had even more. As Brad and I walked to the café hand in hand, I decided to do whatever it took to make a success of the relationship.
    The Dixie Diner was practically empty except for a short order cook and a waitress. I guess everyone in town was at the wedding. Brad and I slid into the same side of a red vinyl booth. He pulled me towards him and wrapped his arm around my waist. The smell of his aftershave was intoxicating and I leaned in closer, enjoying the feel of his muscular body.
    “Do you want a cup of coffee or something to eat?” The waitress asked with a sour expression on her face.
    “Judith, this is Marcie Shore. She is one of the few women in Shifter Villages.”
    Marcie shot Brad the evil eye, but it didn’t seem to bother him. She looked at me, shaking her head.
    It was obvious she and Brad had some bad blood between them, unless she was just having a really bad day. I decided to ignore her dirty looks. “Nice to meet you Marcie, are you a shifter too?”
    “No, I’m not,” Marcie replied bluntly. Marcie was a big, curvy woman. She was very pretty, but her face was tired and drawn.
    After we ordered coffees and Marcie left, Brad grabbed my hand. “You know, let’s just skip the coffee and go back to my place.”
    “Well, I…”
    Brad winked at me. He was so good looking it made my heart melt. He leaned into me, his lips brushing my skin.
    “I want you, Judith.”
    I swallowed. It had been so long since I’d been in bed with a man. And I knew Brad was intended for me…so why not?
    Brad took my hand and we walked out of the coffee shop, passing the surly waitress on our way. I could feel her eyes boring into our backsides as we walked by. I wasn’t sure what her problem was, but she needed to get over

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