Conduct Unbecoming of a Gentleman

Conduct Unbecoming of a Gentleman by Wareeze Woodson

Book: Conduct Unbecoming of a Gentleman by Wareeze Woodson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wareeze Woodson
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surprised her by rolling onto his back with his hands behind his head.
    “I’ve been thinking. You’ve done a splendid job with the children. I admire your tenacity and devotion very much.”
    “You are Adron are you not? A changeling hasn’t crept into my bed by mistake?”
    He laughed. “You might suppose so. I won’t apologize so don’t expect it. But perhaps we can deal a sight better together in the future.”
    Flabbergasted she could hardly take in what he was saying. When his meaning finally sank in, she sat up and leaned over to kiss his mouth, nudging his lips open with her tongue. He rolled her onto her back with his leg over hers and deepened the kiss. She reveled in his nearness, the strength of his embrace and the feel of him. He lifted his head and grinned.
    “Little wanton. All too easily, I could lose myself in your lovely body again, but you need your rest. Besides which I want to see your eyes sparkling, not dazed with passion, when I offer you a reward.”
    Excitement held her almost breathless with anticipation. Would he make a commitment to her even against Melissa’s expectations? “What sort of reward?”
    “I thought you might enjoy a trip to visit your aunt. After all, you were on your way there when I interrupted your journey.”
    Disappointment choked her and her spirits sank. This must be a new way to remove her from the scene as he had always intended to do. “No thank you. I can’t leave Jamie for that long or the other children.”
    “I’ll allow you to take Jamie with you.”
    “What did you say?” she gasped, her hand at her throat.
    “You deserve a respite from the entire brood but your aunt should have the privilege of visiting with her great-nephew as well.”
    “What about the other children?”
    “The other children need not concern you. Ingrid’s nanny has recovered and will be along any day now.”
    Moisture gathered in her eyes and her throat stung with tears. “I don’t know what to say except yes, I’d love to see Aunt Betsy.”
    She smothered him in kisses, on his forehead, his cheeks and his lips. Between kisses, he managed to say, “The devil with this. Sleep late in the morning. Becky can mind the children.” He began a slow assault on every sensual nerve in her body.
    Adron crept from the room satisfied, completely relaxed and pleased with himself for offering her the trip to her aunt’s. The new understanding between Laurel and himself was a bonus as well. Of course he couldn’t continue in his present mode. She was a lady after all and an illicit affair shouldn’t be her fate. Still he couldn’t think of ending the relationship just yet—perhaps never. The perhaps never part had him in a quandary. Adron needed to ponder the rightness of any future decision he might make and not let her nearness influence him. His dealings with the chaos at Landings had left him no time to think of his relationship with Laurel—except to miss her.
    Now he was concerned for her well-being and she deserved a treat. This small break would do her good, add a little color to her cheeks, bring the bloom of health to her features and add a feeling of ease back into her life. He smiled to himself as he entered his bedchamber and slept uninterrupted until his valet parted the hangings the next morning.
    Adron was on his third attempt to tie his cravat when a sudden pounding on the door interrupted his ablutions. His valet, a thin dignified gentlemen’s gentleman of an indiscriminate age, placed several perfectly ironed neck cloths across the back of a chair before he strolled to the door, his tread slow and stately.
    The flustered housekeeper entered, her rounded features clouded with concern. She bobbed a brief curtsy before brushing a stray lock of graying hair off her brow and clasped her hands in front of her apron. “Milord, it’s your grandmother.”
    Alarm caught at his breath. “Is something wrong?”
    “She’s had a spell first thing this morning. The

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