Complete Poems

Complete Poems by C.P. Cavafy

Book: Complete Poems by C.P. Cavafy Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.P. Cavafy
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road is a long one,
    filled with adventures, filled with discoveries.
    The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes,
    Poseidon in his anger: do not fear them,
    you won’t find such things on your way
    so long as your thoughts remain lofty, and a choice
    emotion touches your spirit and your body.
    The Laestrygonians and the Cyclopes,
    savage Poseidon; you won’t encounter them
    unless you stow them away inside your soul,
    unless your soul sets them up before you.
    Hope that the road is a long one.
    Many may the summer mornings be
    when—with what pleasure, with what joy—
    you first put in to harbors new to your eyes;
    may you stop at Phoenician trading posts
    and there acquire the finest wares:
    mother-of-pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
    and heady perfumes of every kind:
    as many heady perfumes as you can.
    Many Egyptian cities may you visit
    that you may learn, and go on learning, from their sages.
    Always in your mind keep Ithaca.
    To arrive there is your destiny.
    But do not hurry your trip in any way.
    Better that it last for many years;
    that you drop anchor at the island an old man,
    rich with all you’ve gotten on the way,
    not expecting Ithaca to make you rich.
    Ithaca gave you the beautiful journey;
    without her you wouldn’t have set upon the road.
    But now she has nothing left to give you.
    And if you find her poor, Ithaca didn’t deceive you.
    As wise as you will have become, with so much experience,
    you will understand, by then, these Ithacas; what they mean.
; 1911]
As Much As You Can
    And even if you cannot make your life the way you want it,
    this much, at least, try to do
    as much as you can: don’t cheapen it
    with too much intercourse with society,
    with too much movement and conversation.
    Don’t cheapen it by taking it about,
    making the rounds with it, exposing it
    to the everyday inanity
    of relations and connections,
    so it becomes like a stranger, burdensome.
; 1913]
    Our efforts, those of the ill-fortuned;
    our efforts are the efforts of the Trojans.
    We will make a bit of progress; we will start
    to pick ourselves up a bit; and we’ll begin
    to be intrepid, and to have some hope.
    But something always comes up, and stops us cold.
    In the trench in front of us Achilles
    emerges, and affrights us with his shouting.—
    Our efforts are the efforts of the Trojans.
    We imagine that with resolve and daring
    we will reverse the animosity of fortune,
    and so we take our stand outside, to fight.
    But whenever the crucial moment comes,
    our boldness and our daring disappear;
    our spirit is shattered, comes unstrung;
    and we scramble all around the walls
    seeking in our flight to save ourselves.
    And yet our fall is certain. Up above,
    on the walls, already the lament has begun.
    They mourn the memory, the sensibility, of our days.
    Bitterly Priam and Hecuba mourn for us.
; 1905]
King Demetrius
    Not like a king, but like an actor, he exchanged his showy robe of state for a dark cloak, and in secret stole away.
    —P LUTARCH ,
Life of Demetrius
    When the Macedonians deserted him,
    and made it clear that it was Pyrrhus they preferred
    King Demetrius (who had a noble
    soul) did not—so they said—
    behave at all like a king. He went
    and cast off his golden clothes,
    and flung off his shoes
    of richest purple. In simple clothes
    he dressed himself quickly and left:
    doing just as an actor does
    who, when the performance is over,
    changes his attire and departs.
; 1906]
The Glory of the Ptolemies
    I’m the Lagid, a king. The possessor absolute
    (with my power and my riches) of pleasure.
    There’s no Macedonian, no Eastern foreigner
    who’s my equal, who even comes close. What
    a joke, that Seleucid with his vulgar luxe.
    But if there’s something more you seek, then simply look:
    the City is our teacher, the acme of what is Greek,
    of every discipline, of every art the peak.
; 1911]
The Retinue of Dionysus
    Damon the artisan (none as fine
    as he in

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