Compass (Siren Songs Book 2)

Compass (Siren Songs Book 2) by Stephie Walls

Book: Compass (Siren Songs Book 2) by Stephie Walls Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephie Walls
have the option of backing out, not being stuck in this. I never wanted to ruin your life.” It’s the truth. I’m not looking for pity or sympathy. I want her happy. I want her to have the fullest life possible. I’m robbing her of that freedom.
    “What are you talking about?” Her snippy tone tells me she’s pissed.
    “I don’t want this for you. I don’t want you taking care of a cripple in your thirties. Your seventies maybe, but not your thirties!” She starts laughing although it’s not funny. Uncontrollably laughing, doubled over, gasping for breath. “Why are you laughing at me?” My voice booms in the otherwise quiet room. The acoustics not meant for loud voices.
    She sobers slightly, still smiling, trails of tears from her laughter soaking her cheeks. “Moby.” She exhales loudly. “We said for better or worse. I meant that. Don’t give up because it’s dark. My heart searched for years to find yours. It still seeks yours. The direction my life takes is because we guide each other. That’s just part of it. We’ll get through this. I don’t know what we’re even looking at here, and neither do you. But regardless of the outcome, or where the journey takes us if we walk or run, as long as we do it together, that’s our journey.”
    “I promise you, Piper. I’ll do whatever it takes to beat this. I’ll make my recovery my full-time job. You’ll be proud of me again.”
    “I’m always proud of you, Moby.”

T he bell sounds signaling visiting hours are over. I try to push back but Asten, the little hussy, holds firm refusing to allow me to stay with Moby overnight. “You can stay in the waiting room if you’d like but the hospital adheres to strict hours in ICU.”
    “I’m his wife, are you serious?” I’m miffed, which I’m sure my tone conveys.
    “Very. Goodnight, Mrs. Cooper.”
    My eyes flutter in irritation. I swear if I have to see this little heifer much more, they may stick in the tops of their sockets.
    “Fine,” I huff at her. “Can you give me a minute, Asten?” I draw out her name indicating how pretentious I think it is.
    “I’ll be back.” She turns to leave and again, my eyes search the ceiling. Irritation doesn’t begin to describe what her presence does to me.
    “Okay, I guess I need to go. I’m going to stop by the gym in the morning to tell them what’s going on and see if they can reschedule your clients. I’ll be back as soon as I’m done with that. Do you need anything from home?”
    “Did you bring my toothbrush?”
    “Yes. Your glasses, iPad, and phone are in the bag next to your bed. I brought your laptop, too. I didn’t know if you’d want entertainment. I brought some clean boxers if they let you wear them. Deodorant and toothpaste are in the side pocket. I figured you wouldn’t be able to shave so I didn’t bring a razor.”
    “I love you.”
    I beam at him. I love hearing those words from his mouth even if they still aren’t coming out perfectly. It never gets old. Each time he says it, it feels like the first.
    “Love you, too.” I lean in to kiss his forehead, but he captures my neck with his right hand, pulling me to him. His lips press firmly against mine before he opens just slightly, his tongue invading my mouth. The passion in this kiss no less than the passion I’ve felt a thousand times before. Pulling away before I climb on him to fuck him in an ICU bed, I catch a glimpse of him as he grabs his crotch.
    “Thank fuck he still works.” He drops his head back on the pillow still holding his dick in his hand. When he lifts his head, I see the heat I normally see in my husband’s eyes. It’s hard to pull away when all I want is for him to consume me, but this isn’t the time or the place. Asten would probably throw a full-blown hissy fit if she walked in on me riding Moby. It’s tempting, but I’m just not that brazen.
    “I’ll see you in the morning, okay?”
    “Night, baby.”
    I wave to him as I walk out, and

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