Committed to You
tickled the area under her arms.
    “I solemnly swear to never confess my love to Pipe.”
    I released her.
    “Unless, he’s hetero, then all bets are off.” She snapped her fingers in front of my face. “May the best woman win!”
    This time she was ready for me, she caught my arms before I could grab her and pulled me to her.
    Goodness, she’s strong.
    I’d been about to tell her that, when she captured my mouth into a kiss.
    Softness encased me. Pure softness. That was all I could think of. After only experiencing men’s hard touch all of my life, her pliant flesh rubbing up against mine, delivered naughty tingles along my body. Groaning, she sucked on my bottom lip and grasped onto my waist. We melted into each other, hastily making enough room to lie down together on the back seat.
    The rain picked up again, battering the vehicle with a heavier drumming pattern. The beat echoed through me. The car rocked from side to side, and I wasn’t sure if it was from the wind, the storm, or Cynthia and me sliding our bodies together.
    She tugged at my shirt to pull it up. The movement woke the logical part of me up a little. I trapped her hands in mine. “What are we doing?”
    “I don’t know,” she whispered back. “Maybe we shouldn’t over think this. Let’s just do it.”
    I kept her fingers close to me. “Maybe we should think about it.”
    “Do you even feel any arousal from this?”
    She formed her lips into a huge smile. “Yes. My whole body is on fire.”
    Anticipation surged through my veins. My sex clenched at the newness of the experience, at the possibility of what could over take my body.
    What is happening to me? First I’m in a threesome. Now I’m kissing girls. This is the moment when you’ve gone too far with the drinking and smoking. This is the moment when you stop, Evie.
    “I’ve kissed a girl before, but it never felt like this.” She rubbed the tip of her nose against mine. “When I kissed you, my panties got so wet, I didn’t want to stop. What about you?”
    Panties? Wet? What? I am not having this conversation with her.
    “Are you wet, Evie?”
    “Umm … I … enjoyed it, more than I thought I would, but I don’t think I’m a card carrying lesbian.” Jittery vibrations coursed through my bloodstream. I was stimulated beyond compare and high off of something, but it had nothing to do with drugs and alcohol. Yet this still didn’t seem right. It wasn’t me.
    “You didn’t answer the question,” Cynthia said.
    “I’m not really comfortable with answering it.”
    “Have you ever kissed a woman before?”
    “Never.” I let her go. “Let’s get off of me and talk about you, Ms. Asexual. Why do you think you experienced arousal with me, but not with anyone else?”
    “It’s going to sound stupid if I tell you.”
    “Just say it,” I said. “Enough crazy crap has happened tonight. You might as well add to the pile.”
    “I think I can relax around you, give my body to you fully with no fear.”
    I cleared my throat. “Why?”
    She avoided my eyes, turned away, and cuddled in the crook of my arm. “Because you saved me from him .”


    “So I’m playing all of the great Michael Jackson videos for her.” Pipe sliced a couple more lemons and hooked them on the edges of three glasses set in front of him. “She’s my niece so I need to make sure she has a proper education in US music history. Here you go.” He slid the drinks to Cyn’s mother and two aunts. “Go easy on those, ladies. There’s a special bite at the end.”
    “Bite is good,” Cyn’s mom slurred.
    Behind them, I sliced my neck with my hand in an effort to cut them off from his makeshift bar that he’d thrown together in the kitchen. Pipe had been boozing up Cyn’s mom all day. She’d asked for water. He volunteered and brought out a rum and coke. I was shocked we didn’t get kicked out.
    Upon realizing that Cyn and Evie stranded us at

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