
Commitment by Nancy Ann Healy

Book: Commitment by Nancy Ann Healy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Ann Healy
my people. Either you can meet me half way or I will make the arrangement permanent.”
    “What the hell are you talking about?” Cassidy seethed.
    “Dylan living with me, of course,” O’Brien replied.
    That was it. There was no turning back. “Christopher,” she began. “You are the most selfish, despicable human being I think I have ever met.” Cassidy’s voice began to rise louder and louder with each syllable. “There is no way in hell that Dylan is ever living with you. Don’t call here. Don’t come near
son. Do you understand me?”
    “I understand you. You are the one who is not understanding,” he returned her sentiment. “As I recall he has been my son for seven years. That bitch is not Dylan’s mother. I don’t know what has happened to you. It’s sick. He needs to be protected, and I am not…”
    Hearing his mother’s voice as it rose steadily, Dylan cowered slightly in the doorway to listen. “That’s it, Chris. I am through with you. Stay the hell away from my family. Alex is my wife. She is Dylan’s parent, not you. What part of that are you not understanding? There is nothing to discuss. I am done with your threats. Done with your lies. Done with you. You are not taking Dylan from anyone, ever. That much I can promise you. This conversation is over,” she slammed her phone onto the counter.
    Dylan ran into the living room crying. Cassidy heard a sudden crash that sounded like a wall had fallen down. “I hate you!” Dylan yelled. Cassidy ran.
    “What the hell was that?” Fallon asked as he and Alex approached the back door. Alex dropped the wood in her hand and sprinted through the door towards the sound of Dylan’s screams. Cassidy was holding him on the couch, rocking him gently.
    Alex looked at the television screen that had cracked straight down the middle and then at the box that lay crumpled on the floor. It had split open, and the flashing lights from a toy truck could be seen spilling through. “What happened?” she asked fearfully. Cassidy just shook her head.
    “I’m not leaving,” Dylan whimpered.
    Alex looked at Cassidy in confusion. She thought they had successfully quelled Dylan’s fears from the previous day. “I got a call,” Cassidy said and raised her brow. She turned to her son and took his face in her hands. “No one is taking you anywhere, Dylan. No one is taking anyone away. I promise you. I promise you.”
    Fallon scooped up the box and retrieved the toy from inside. He went to hand it to Dylan and Dylan threw it again. “I don’t want it!” It struck the table and let out a slight whine before the blinking light faded completely.
    “Dylan,” Alex lowered her voice. “Calm down.” She bent over to pick up the toy and several pieces of plastic and metal that had broken off and froze.
    “What is it?” Cassidy asked, seeing the expression on Alex’s face.
    Alex offered her wife a sheepish grin. “Nothing,” she said with the raise of her brow. She gestured to Dylan. “Listen, Speed.” He looked up to her with swollen eyes. “I know you are very angry with your father. I know you are scared. I know.” Dylan looked down. “You can’t throw things no matter how upset you are, okay?” He nodded. Alex sighed and reached outfor him, placing the broken toy on the table. “You listen to me. Mom and I promised you. I promise you he will not call here again. Okay? You don’t have to see him. You don’t have to talk to him. You need to trust me.”
    “Alex?” Dylan whispered.
    “What is it, Speed?”
    “What if he hurts you?” he asked. Cassidy froze and looked at Alex in astonishment.
    “Why would you ask that, Dylan?” Alex asked gently.
    “He said he would. I heard him. He said you and Mom would pay. Cheryl told him to stop…and he…”
    “What, Dylan? He what?” Alex urged quietly.
    “He hit her,” Dylan whispered. “I saw him.”
    Alex nodded as Cassidy pulled Dylan closer. “No one is going to hurt you, or Mom or me.

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