Commando City: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 7)

Commando City: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 7) by Mitchell T. Jacobs Page A

Book: Commando City: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 7) by Mitchell T. Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitchell T. Jacobs
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able to practice against opposition.”
    “We're not doing that unless we're in the battledomes though,” Danny said.
    “And we can't practice our airborne landings there, so that's a no go,” Nora told them. “We know you can fight once you get on the ground. It's getting there that's the problem.”
    “Right. We should be good for now. Even if this was a real fight and they were making a push, we could still hold the zone until backup arrived.”
    “OK then. Thanks.” Nora switched radio channels. “Yusuf, you there?”
    “I'm here,” he said. “And I'm really not cut out for this.”
    “How bad was it?”
    “It's one thing to hear about it. It's another thing to be on the receiving end of it. Your guys are fast . We barely had enough time to get properly organized before they were right on top of us.”
    “Is it worth continuing your opposition?”
    “Nah. We're done, and we know it.”
    Nora looked over at Zach and Anna, who both nodded.
    “We have the drop zone and are down safely,” Zach said. “Now it's just a matter of getting the rest of them on the ground.”
    “We just need to make sure that the rest of the battalion can make it to the ground safely,” Anna added. “But you're all set.”
    Nora nodded, feeling a bit of satisfaction inside her. Their mission might be tough. Some might say it was a fool's errand, or an insane gamble. But after this drop, she felt confidence growing inside her. No matter what odds they might face, she knew the battalion could pull it off.
    Now it was just a matter of performing when it counted.

    Birds of Prey
    A rgonaut .
    A fitting name for their operation, Zach thought. They were about to embark on an adventure that some might call a fool's errand, far from home and facing a myriad of dangerous foes. It would certainly be tough, but if they managed to pull it off they'd add yet another legendary battle to their name.
    But Argonaut was only part of the overall plan. Ghost Battalion would lead the way during the offensive, dropping today. While they were attacking the Shorewood District, Dragon Battalion would launch a simultaneous assault into the St. Francis District to the south, aiming to catch the Ragnarok defenders by surprise and quickly overrun them. Once that was finished, Magic Battalion would follow up with another attack into the Jones Harbor District. If all went well the Hydra Alliance would have control of over half the city within the week, including all of the shoreline.
    Zach remained somewhat skeptical that the other units could pull off their objectives in a timely fashion, but that wasn't his concern right now. Whether they could win or not was irrelevant if Ghost Battalion didn't take the Shorewood District, and they needed timing and precision in order to accomplish that. Any distractions could prove to be their undoing, so he needed to focus on the task at hand.
    Zach glanced around the hold of the Colossus, past the pair of Gazelles, past the supply pallets toward the rear ramp. Once again the command staff was going in with the armored support, deploying with ram air parachutes. They could land on target with precision and then have their vehicles up and running within a few minutes, even if they landed away from the main force.
    Spectre would lead the charge into the district, deploying with ram air parachutes to secure the drop zone and eliminate any antiaircraft guns that might cause them serious trouble. After they landed the main assault force would follow. Black Wolf came first, followed by Barghest and then Redd Foxx.
    Raven Flight wouldn't be taking part in the battle today, but if the rest of the battalion was able to secure a large enough zone then they would deploy several Hornet gunships to be based within the district. That way, they could take off and go after targets at a moment's notice.
    He leaned back against the side of the hold, trying to clear his mind. So many things could go wrong. They come under heavy fire from

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