Coming Undone

Coming Undone by Lauren Dane

Book: Coming Undone by Lauren Dane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Dane
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to see the grill. “Swank.”
    He laughed. “Try the salmon. It has a miso glaze. Erin makes it.”
    “Some people have to hog up being good at stuff.” She took the plate he handed her, a rush of sensation sliding over her when their fingers brushed. A taste of the fish only made it better. “Oh, this is good.” She looked out over the yard to find Rennie running with the pack of kids, kicking a ball around. “I’d see if she was hungry, but I think she’s a bit busy.”
    “I should have thought to introduce her to Nina and Mase this summer when you guys first moved in. She looks pretty happy.”
    Somehow, the way he looked at her daughter and smiled made her all warm. Good lord, she should not be having these little internal moments.
    “Yeah, she does. Thanks for inviting us. Can I help? Get out of your way?”
    He stepped very close. “You look so good. If Rennie wasn’t here, I’d clear away that bit of cream soda from the corner of your mouth.”
    “You’re not fair. I’m not sure my bra can hide how hard my nipples are,” she murmured back. The up and down slide of his Adam’s apple, the bead of sweat on his neck, the scent of his soap, all of it tested her control.
    “I don’t want to be fair. I want to put my hands on you. I want to put my mouth on your pussy and lick until you come.”
    She looked up at him as her skin tingled with awareness. He flipped her switch on such a primal level it was sort of scary. She thought about fucking him pretty much all the time. He set her on 

    fire, had pushed her system into sexual hyperdrive, and she had to admit, she sort of dug it. She’d never been so hungry to be fucked in her life. It made her feel so alive! Sexy and desirable as a woman.
    It was liberating really.
    “You keep looking at me like that, and I’m going to toss you over my shoulder and take you into the pantry.” His voice was low, but she had to close her eyes a moment as the idea of what they’d do in the dark of the pantry flashed through her brain.
    “If you want, I can take her off your hands. Since the burgers need turning and all.”
    Surprised, Elise turned and nearly smacked into someone. A very good-looking someone. Christamighty, where did all these hot people come from?
    Brody put one hand on her shoulder while he flipped the burgers with the other one. “Yeah, I think not. Cope, this is Elise.
    Elise, this is Ben’s brother, Cope.”
    “Ben is that one there, holding Erin’s hand,” he said, responding to her confused look.
    At least the hotness made sense if he was related to that one.
    “Ah, yes. Okay, Erin told me about him earlier, but I haven’t met him yet.”
    “We’re getting ready to play cards. Do you play cards?” Cope flashed a smile, complete with a dimple. This guy was a real bad boy. His grin was pure sex and he knew it. It charmed her.
    That’s when she saw the lush brunette approach. “Don’t do it unless you’re good. They’re a very cutthroat bunch.” Elise wondered just who this woman was, given the way Brody’s body had tightened and he’d actually stepped closer to Elise.
    “I spent a lot of time touring and waiting around backstage. I’m pretty good at cards and pool.” She held out a hand after wiping the condensation from the bottle on her pants leg. “I’m Elise.”

    They shook hands and it was fine, but Elise’s internal radar was flashing red. This was a woman who’d meant something to him once. Still did, if her presence meant anything, and she had no reason to doubt that. The people there were close-knit. They knew each other, this group. She got the feeling Brody Brown didn’t do the important things halfway. He might come off as laid back to the extreme, but Elise saw his focus, saw the way he interacted with people. He’d be the type to take care of the things he valued. And the people. One of these days, he’d make some woman an exceptional husband and co-parent.
    “I’m Raven.”
    The woman had a smile on

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