Comic Book Mystery

Comic Book Mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner Page A

Book: Comic Book Mystery by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
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comic book dealer before hurrying off again.
    “Do you have Captain Fantastic issue number nine?” Jessie asked the dealer.
    The man shook his head. “The fellow in the cape asked me the same thing. That particular issue is as scarce as hens’ teeth.”
    “I didn’t know chickens have teeth,” said Benny.
    Jessie giggled. “They don’t. It’s an expression. It means the comic book is very hard to find.”
    The kids walked up and down each aisle, asking all the comic dealers if they had issue number nine. None did.
    “Look, there’s another comic booth,” said Violet, pointing. “Over where that lady is standing.”
    The booth displaying racks of comics was half hidden in the corner. As the kids approached, a woman in jeans and boots was talking to the dealer intently.
    “I wonder if she’s asking for number nine, too,” Jessie said. “So far we haven’t had any luck.”
    The woman looked up at the kids, then back at the bald-headed man behind the stand. She tossed her reddish blond hair, spun on a booted heel, and stalked away.
    “I don’t suppose you have Captain Fantastic number nine,” Henry asked without much hope.
    “As a matter of fact, I do,” the dealer replied. From beneath the counter, he pulled out a plastic bag containing the comic.
    “Oh, boy!” cried Benny. They had actually found it!
    “How much is it?” Jessie asked.
    “Thirty dollars,” the man replied. The plaque on his booth said his name was Al Conrad.
    The kids stared at one another in disbelief. Thirty dollars for one comic book!
    Henry was digging through his pockets. “Uh—we’ve only got twenty dollars — ”
    “You seem like nice kids,” said Al generously. “I’ll let you have it for twenty dollars. I like dealing with young fans.”
    Before Henry could count out the bills, the Captain Fantastic rushed up to the booth in a swirl of green cape.
    “Number nine!” the costumed man exclaimed in a high-pitched voice. “Al, I must have it for my collection!”
    “You’re too late,” Al told him. “I just sold my only copy to these young people. You should have gotten here earlier.”
    “I just now found your booth. I’ll pay you double,” the Captain Fantastic offered, his voice rising even higher.

    “Sorry,” the dealer told him firmly. “I sold it to them and I can’t go back on my word.”
    The Captain Fantastic left, his shoulders sagging with disappointment.
    “I wish that guy could have found a copy, too,” Benny said. “He must really love Captain Fantastic, to go around in a suit like his.”
    “Lots of fans wear costumes,” Al said, slipping their purchase into a paper bag. “And this comic does turn up from time to time. I’m sure he’ll find one eventually. Would you like to sign up for my mailing list?”
    While Jessie filled out the Aldens’ address, Al added, “He may find one at the comic con in Hartford this weekend. That’s a much bigger show. You should go.”
    “I wish we could,” said Violet wistfully. “But we just spent our allowances for the next two weeks.”
    “There’s the refreshment stand,” said Henry, as they walked away. “We don’t have any money, but we can get a drink of water.”
    Benny was so excited he didn’t even mind missing a snack. “Can we look at our comic?”
    At a small table, Violet removed the comic from its protective plastic bag. As she did, a slip of paper fell to the floor. She bent to pick it up.
    “I guess this is our receipt,” she said, then stared at the paper. “No, it’s some kind of note.”
    “What does it say?” asked Jessie.
    Violet turned the paper so they all could see. In strange lettering, the note read, I’ll try to get orig. of #9. “Sid.”
    “What does it mean?” Jessie wondered.
    “Maybe Mr. Conrad knows,” said Violet. “Let’s go back and ask him.”
    Al Conrad seemed surprised to see them back so soon.
    “Do you know anybody named Sid?” asked Benny.
    “Sid? Oh! That’s the guy who writes and

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