Come Back to me:Short Story

Come Back to me:Short Story by Candice Terry

Book: Come Back to me:Short Story by Candice Terry Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candice Terry
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    Come Back To Me
      Candice Terry
               Copyright © 2013 by Candice Terry
    This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to peoples living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, place and characters are figments of the author’s imagination. The author holds all rights to this work. It is illegal to reproduce this novel without written expressed consent from the author herself.
    All writing comes by the grace of God.

                                        -Ralph Waldo Emerson
    I always thought true love was a myth. A fantasy. Something my mother use to ramble on about after reading one of her romance novels. She always said the moment you felt true love it would knock the breath out of you. That it was like a bolt of lightning that seared and warmed your skin to the bone, making your heart race. I didn't believe her until now. The moment I saw her I felt every bit of that plus more. I never caught my breath though. Every moment I saw her face was like the first time and I'd lose all my senses except sight. I'd watch her sway with each step and count down the seconds until she'd reach me then in one swoop I'd grab her up while she wrapped her legs around my waist squealing. We'd melt into each other. Not once did I ever think life would pull us apart so tragically. Maybe If I'd know I would have looked at her a little longer each day,held her a little closer and thanked God every second for giving her to me.
    Chapter One: Jays e
    We had just moved from sunny California where the weather was always hot no matter the month to Georgia which actually had four seasons. In a way I was looking forward to experiencing the cold months even though I’d missed the summers riding the waves . At that moment I thought the loss would be unbearable until a frizzy-haired ,young girl stepped in my path and changed everything .
    Starting new schools was never really my thing. I wasn't a fan of being the fresh meat and having to make new friends, especially when my old ones were just fine.
    Only plus side I found was the school year. In California we had to attend all year long  with very few short breaks in between the long months but luckily Georgia had a different policy. I'd only have to attend March to September and get a much needed long winter break. The only thing I didn’t like? Uniforms but hey- eight hours a day wasn't too horrible.
    After a very boring morning in class , I made my way to lunch with my backpack slung carelessly over my shoulder only to find a small framed dark haired girl pinned by the snack machines being shoved around by two older boys. When the younger of the two shoved one last time, she lost her footing and fell hard to the ground.
    The older of the boys grabbed at the girl's bag while she tried to hold tight but she quickly let go when he kicked out at her leg with his boot foot. The girl's cry echoed around them.
    Now even at twelve years old my temper was bad and my mother would say I was acting like my father but I didn't care.  Pissed off, I shoved through the few kids making an audience  and pulled the boys away from her.I punched the taller of the two in the stomach and elbowed the other in the nose. Before they could both scurry away, I grabbed the slowest moving around the shirt collar, yanking him to me.
    "Never again. Don't even look at her." The boy  nodded his head as he turned to run off,crying.
    The girl sat crying on the floor. I reached down and held out my hand hoping she would take it. She quickly wiped her eyes then grasped my hand, letting me pull her upright.
    I picked up her bag, dusting off small bits of dirt clinging to it and handed it to her.
    Big blue sparkling eyes met mine and

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