Collide & Burn
apparently we need them.”
    “Tell me something, Wade. Did Gloria know you were allergic to strawberries?” I asked, curious.
    “Yes, she brought them in one day for me, and I declined. She knew I wouldn’t eat the strawberries. Evidently she wanted to make you sick and ruin our weekend.”
    “Well, we won’t let her do that. I feel almost fine  … Mr. Hottie … ” I crawled across the bed and shamelessly pulled him back into it with me.
    * * *
    No more incidents took place during the next week, and I wondered if that was because Wade’s security ‘team’ was watching.
    At any rate, mid-November had delivered some fine cool riding weather to us. It was late Sunday, and we were out riding in the preserve when I finally gave in to my curiosity and asked, “What are you planning for Thanksgiving?”
    “ To feed you turkey .” He grinned like a boy.
    I wrinkled my nose. “Don’t like turkey.”
    “How can you not like turkey? Who doesn’t like turkey? I’ll feed you the best turkey in all the world, and you’ll change your mind.”
    “Nope, you eat turkey . I’ll eat the fixings,” I said and giggled. “But seriously, don’t you have to spend Thanksgiving with your parents?”
    The smile vanished off his face. “Which parent?”
    “Oh, your mom then? Don’t you have to go to your mom’s for turkey?” He rarely spoke about either of his parents. I wondered if they even knew about me.
    “No. She’s taking a cruise with some of her friends for Thanksgiving, and my dad has his own new little family to keep him warm.”
    I swung his hand. “Then you may join me and mine in Florida.”
    His frown darkened. “I don’t think so, baby.”
    I was surprised. “They don’t bite.”
    He laughed. “I know. You have great parents. I met them, remember? They showed me around the day I made them an offer for this place.”
    “Well, no, I wasn’t there,” I teased. “But honestly  … they’re easy. Join us.”
    “Not ready for the family scene.”
    “Ah, I know what you mean. The assessment period where they look at you and wonder if you’re the one who will walk me down the aisle and give them grandchildren.” I laughed.
    He turned white. I stopped laughing.
    “Okay, okay  … no worries, Wade. No relationship. No family scene, but I am promised to my parents for the Thanksgiving weekend.”
    He didn’t say anything to this, but I saw his mind working. Was this the time he would walk away? Lately it was difficult to imagine that one day he would leave. It was what he always told me, yet  … hope was a thing that boiled and bubbled beyond my reasoning powers to overcome.

    ~ Eleven ~
    WADE DIDN’T EVEN take me to LaGuardia.
    He sent a limo to pick me up and take me there. We had said our good-byes that morning before he left for the city, and I’d watched him drive off. He had been cool and distant and what I’d describe as stoic. I had come to know Wade Devon, and what I knew was that this was disturbing him.
    How I felt was despondent.
    I was going to see my parents. I missed them. We talked all the time, but I missed them. I loved Thanksgiving with them. My parents are warm and fun-loving, and I couldn’t wait to be with them, and yet  … a part of me was missing.
    I arrived at the airport to hugs and kisses.
    My dad got my suitcase, they stuffed me into their cute little Honda, and off we went to their condo. Sunny, warm, and full of palm trees, Thanksgiving sure didn’t look the same.
    Within the first half hour, I was unpacked and we were all having a swim in the pool that took most of their backyard.
    Later, inside, setting the table for turkey and the fixings, I asked my father, “Don’t you and Mom miss the horses, though? You used to ride all the time.”
    “Charlie, we still do. We lease a couple of horses not far from here,” my mom answered for him. “Remember? I told you.”
    I laughed. “No, you didn’t, but I’m glad.” I hugged them and

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