Cold Pressed

Cold Pressed by JJ Marsh

Book: Cold Pressed by JJ Marsh Read Free Book Online
Authors: JJ Marsh
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over the pillow, soon to wake up alone.
    A knock brought him back to the here and now. He opened the
door to a cabin attendant, who carried a tray of coffee and pastries. He
thanked the man and took it with a smile. Detective Stubbs might have spent a
sleepless, stressful night, but she was in no danger of losing her appetite.
    She emerged from the sleeping quarters dressed in shirt and
trousers with a towel around her head.
    "Oh good, the coffee's here. Right, I'm ready to begin.
Where shall we start?"
    Nikos hesitated, but only for a second. "I'd like to
hear what the immediate plans are. Did Jensson confirm the sailing time?"
    "He did. The ship has to depart this evening. Their
schedule is extremely tight since the hold-up in Santorini. They must set sail
for Rhodes at midnight. Help yourself to milk and sugar. What about the
    "Taken to the city morgue for a complete post-mortem.
We should have the results sometime later today. Then arrangements can be made
to fly her home. I agree with your initial assessment of the scene. It looks as
if the perpetrator was disturbed. On top of that, I think he was still in the cabin
when the maid knocked. In the time it took her to fetch an access card, he
managed to get out and disappear."
    "What makes you say that?"
    "I got the printout of the cabin’s card activity.
Inside the room there's a socket, just like this one in yours. After you open
the door, you slot the key card into that socket and all the electricity works.
If the card is removed, the lights don't work. It was removed at 22.08, and
replaced at 22.24." He stirred his coffee. "That's not long to kill
    Beatrice looked up from her croissant. "Long enough.
What about how the intruder got in? Any records on that?"
    "A staff access card was used at 22.06. One of many
used by housekeeping. They are not assigned to individuals and if you are a
staff member, they’re easy to find."
    They both remained silent for several seconds. Nikos
searched for a way of broaching his thoughts on potential suspects, but first
he needed to know how much longer he would have his British back-up.
    "I suppose it was too early for you to contact Scotland
Yard?" he asked.
    She chewed and swallowed. "No. I managed to get hold of
Chief Inspector Hamilton, and I'm afraid there's good news and bad news. I am
permitted to stay and work on this case, but the powers-that-be would like me
to take a more active role. What happened tonight has raised the goalposts.
We're talking about a potential serial killer of British citizens, albeit on
Greek territory. My boss would like me to lead the investigation and
unfortunately, he intends to contact your superior officer today."
    Nikos tensed his jaw. He should have expected this. Voulakis
would agree, of course he would. In fact, he would be stupid to argue.
    "I understand, Detective Inspector Stubbs. But I hope I
can continue to work with you. I'm learning a lot."
    "Listen." She dusted flakes of pastry from her
hands. "Depending on what your superior says, this is what I propose. A
collaborative investigation, jointly led by British and Greek agents. Partners,
if you like. I will need your local expertise, but I believe I can bring a
certain amount of experience to bear. What do you say?"
    Nerves made Nikos clumsy and he clattered his cup back onto
the saucer. "I say that is a very generous proposal. I would like that
very much."
    "But I do have one thing I need to get off my chest. On
my return from the bridge, I met our two witnesses, Mrs Campbell and Mrs Mason.
They were on their way back to their quarters in some state of alarm.
Apparently, you had advised them to stay in their cabins and lock the doors. I
appreciate the good intention behind your advice, but in an environment such as
this, it might be better to avoid generating panic."
    Nikos deliberated over what to say, aware of the heat
creeping up his neck.
    "DI Stubbs, I asked them to leave the corridor where we

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