Clouds of Tyranny
“Clyde!” screamed Ray, “you have to walk!” Pearl looked at Clyde’s
face, “Your big, man, we need your help. Come on, just a little
further.” Smith went over to the left doorway leading down the hall
towards the infirmary and yelled, “Doc!” The doc knew that when
Smith called him the situation was dire; he came running down the
hall as fast as he could. “Geez. Stop right there!” ordered the
Doc, “Carry him gurney style!” They stopped and Pearl got behind
Clyde and cupped her arms under his armpits and Ray put his own
head between Clyde’s ankles and the both lift him so he was lying
flat in midair. They speed walked him into the infirmary as Ruthie
stood there with her hand over her mouth and tears raining down her
face at the thought of her big brother not making it through this.
Terra put her arm around Ruthie’s shoulders and Ruthie leaned in
against Terra’s chest and put her arms around her. She sobbed
violently as Terra comforted her.
    It was late afternoon in Pan’dier when Locke
and Alex managed to escape the core of the town and were now in the
tree line that bordered Pan’dier. “Well, we made it, Locke n key.”
Chuckled Alex. Locke just looked at her with a blank unplayful
stare. “Ya know,” said Locke, “We’re not out of the woods yet.”
Alex looked around at all the trees, “Yeah, we just got in the
woods.” She stared over at him hoping for at least a little laugh
at the pun…nothing. “I gotta think. Where is the nearest tunnel?”
said Locke out loud to himself. “Tunnel? The sun bothering you?”
asked Alex. “No, that’s our way back to HQ. Unless you’d rather
walk for about a week dodging your buddies the whole way.” Alex
made a B-line to a large bush surrounded by redwoods. “I was
thinking more on the lines of-“ Alex dug inside the bush and
eventually pulled out a large steel device; it was metallic red
with glossy black stripes, a large bar above the front wheel (which
Alex was pulling it out by), a wheel in the rear behind the long
seat (Locke assumed you straddled it much like you would a horse),
and a wheel in the middle. “An iron horse?” questioned Locke. “Mmm,
horse of a different color. But enough puns for the day.” She
dragged it as they walked through the remainder of the woods.
“Okay,” said Alex, “Where is your ‘HQ’?” “North,” answered Locke,
“Northwest, by the wall of separation due south of Sangrohl.” “Hmm,
okay. We should probably stop somewhere first and rest till the
morning; the empire will be looking for us.” Locke nodded at the
smart idea, “We can stay in Magdore, to the north. I have friends
there and they would never give me up if the empire were to ask
questions.” “Good,” said Alex. They were approaching the end of the
trees and woodland debris. “Alright, “ said Alex as she jumped onto
the seat and gripped the handles, “All aboard.” Locke looked at it
like a cat looks at a dog it’s own size, not afraid but curious. He
slowly lifted his right leg over the rear end of the seat and eased
himself behind her looking at what she was looking at; a series of
switches beneath the handles and a red coin sized button in the
center. She flipped a few switches, then pushed in the small red
button with her thumb. RRRRRRROWR!!! The vehicle made a loud
growling sound, then quieted down and just rumbled and vibrated
beneath them. There was a dial around the right handlebar; the
‘iron horse’ growled louder as she turned it. Alex, flipped a
switch underneath the red button, “Hold on!” she yelled over the
sound of the wheeled beast. “What?” yelled Locke as the machine
shot forward and instantly cupped his arms around her belly as they
traveled with tremendous speed through the grassy plains toward
    Ruthie and Terra were
sitting at a table waiting for the doc to come and tell them Clyde
could have visitors or at least that he was alive. Ruthie was
trembling at the thought of

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