Closing Time
just entered her last month and she’s really uncomfortable, according to my brother. I think she’ll have the baby prematurely.”
    “Is that dangerous?”
    “As long as it’s after seven months, there are usually no problems.”
    “Phew. I want all the babies to be healthy.”
    “Yeah, me too. I took Scarlet to a bed and breakfast this past weekend.”
    “That sounds nice.”
    “Yeah,” he said. “It was for our anniversary—which she forgot.”
    “She did? I’m surprised.”
    “I am too. And frankly, a little hurt.”
    “Well, with everything that’s going on…”
    “I know,” he said quickly. “I didn’t give her a hard time about it. I kept my feelings to myself. But I got her some bling, and thankfully, she didn’t shriek and ask me to take it back.”
    “How much was it?”
    He smirked. “A hundred thousand.”
    “Holy shit. She must have no idea.”
    “Nope. I’m not going to tell her.”
    “She would throw a fit.”
    “She tends to do that,” he said with a sigh. “Anyway, welcome back.”
    “Thanks. I’m ready to get down to business.”
    “Good. After work, everyone is coming to the house to prepare Ryan’s bachelor party.”
    “Oh yeah. When are we doing that?”
    “In a week or so.”
    “What? That soon?”
    “He’s getting married in less than a month…”
    “Man, I was gone way too long.”
    “Yeah, a bit.” He laughed. “Be there at seven. Bring your wife.”
    “I bring her everywhere.”
    “See ya.” He walked out and let me get back to work.
    After I got home, I greeted my wife and got down to business. You would think I’d get tired of her after being with her for two months straight but you’d be wrong. I wanted her all the time. Too long was never enough with her.
    We left for the house then parked next to Mike’s Jaguar.
    “I’m excited to see everyone,” Monnique said.
    “Me too.”
    We walked to the front door then moved inside without knocking. We never knocked.
    “Hey!” Cassandra ran to Monnique and hugged her. “How was the honeymoon?”
    “Amazing,” Monnique said. She tried to hug her but her stomach was in the way. She ended up just patting her on the back. “You look like you’re about to pop.”
    “God, I know.” She touched her stomach and sighed.
    Mike came to me and shook my hand. “How was the honeymoon?”
    “Your dick fall off?”
    “Almost,” I said with a laugh. “How’s the pregnancy?”
    “She’s…hanging in there,” Mike said timidly. “I think she’ll go into labor early so I’m keeping an eye on her. I haven’t been working either.”
    “So Sean has been holding down the for t alone?” Now I felt gultier.
    “It’s nothing he can’t handle.”
    Scarlet came to me and hugged me. Her swollen stomach pressed against me so I backed up slightly so I wouldn’t bump her. “I’m so glad you’re back.”
    “I’m not,” I said truthfully.
    She laughed then smiled at me.
    “Thanks for helping me out with Sean.”
    “Of course. What are friends for?”
    “How’s my niece?” I asked as I looked at her stomach.
    “Good. But she’s hungry all the time.”
    “You mean, you’re hungry all the time,” I teased.
    Sean appeared beside her. “It’s not a girl.”
    “It’s sooo a girl,” Scarlet argued.
    “We’re having a boy,” he said firmly. “Because if we have a girl, she’ll be home-schooled and never know what a skirt is.”
    Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Anyway…so you had a good honeymoon?”
    “Yep. Lots of sex, food, and sight-seeing,” I said.
    “Sounds wonderful. Sean took me to a bed and breakfast for our anniversary last weekend.”
    “So he told me,” I said. “Sounds like he’s being a good husband.”
    “The best,” she said while she looked at Sean fondly. “At least when he’s not freaking out about having a girl.”
    “So, let’s plan this bachelor party,” I said.
    We moved to the couches, and Mike he lped Cassandra

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