Clifford Arbor: The Seduction of Raven Peters

Clifford Arbor: The Seduction of Raven Peters by Sam Crescent

Book: Clifford Arbor: The Seduction of Raven Peters by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
smile I know it’s true." Carl smiled at her while Edward seemed relieved.
    "I’m Jackson and Harley’s woman. I’m sure you’ll find a woman to meet your needs soon.
    Two gorgeous men like yourselves won’t be lonely for long," she told them, beaming at speaking up to owning her two men.
    "I sure hope so. Till next time." Carl nodded and left.
    Once Raven got home, she took a quick shower and spent the next two hours preparing herself to go next door.
    She loved the deep sultry, slut red dress she’d bought with only a strap round the neck.
    Undo that strap and the dress would fall from her body in a hypnotic haze. Yes, she’d prepared for everything, even the ease of undressing. No bra. She didn’t want the tight confines of the lace. She wanted her breasts falling free, making it easier to see the outline of her nipples. Tonight was all about enjoyment and tantalizing her prey. They made her feel cherished and she’d reward them for it.
    She left her dark curls wild. No matter what she did with them they’d just work loose and tumble free anyway. She decided she’d go with the sexy approach.
    For make-up she wore red lipstick.
    Black stiletto shoes completed the ensemble and she was good to go.
    Raven glanced at the mirror then she was out the door at seven and knocking on their door.
    Harley and Jackson waited in the kitchen, Harley wearing a naked woman apron and
    Jackson sitting at the counter drinking ice cold beer. Both were watching the clock. Waiting.
    Jackson checked the watch on his wrist to make sure he had the right time.
    "She’l be here. Have a little faith." Harley flipped the steaks on the grill.
    "I know," Jackson said. He was nervous. They hadn’t spoken since being in the restaurant together. After talking and getting to know each other a little better he discovered he really wanted her to like him. Really like him.
    Five minutes later Jackson jumped out of his seat running down the hall leaving a chuckling Harley behind. He opened the door and there before him was a sexy temptress in red with fuck-me stilettos on her feet. He visibly gulped. Man, she was a package and soon she’d be all his and Harley’s.
    If last night had been the first course then tonight would be dinner and desert.
    "I take it you like the dress?" Raven twirled giving him a tempting view of her rounded ass.
    His eyes were drawn to the natural sway of her breasts, the light summer chill showing her hardened nipples to perfection.
    "You look amazing." His mouth watered at the thought of getting those plump nipples in his mouth.
    "Thanks. You gonna let me in?"
    He leaned his weight against the door opening it wide enough so she could enter but holding it closed enough she’d have to touch him as she moved past. Her floral scent teased his nostrils. God, everything about this woman sent his cock sky rocketing.
    Right now she was the picture of sex, of fucking, but she stil managed to have an aura of vulnerability about her. The entire package was intoxicating.
    "Something smells good," she said.
    "That would be Harley."
    She raised an eyebrow. Jackson finally realized how what he said sounded.
    "I mean Harley is cooking steak. Hope you like meat."
    "I love a nice piece of meat." Raven smirked.
    Jackson groaned out loud.
    "You smell good, too." She pressed her hands to his large chest and his muscles rippled at her touch. She smiled, leaning in to take a small sniff, nuzzling his chest through his shirt as she did.
    He swore. His hands fisted as he tried with all of his might not to touch her.
    "Put your hands on me," she begged.
    "If I start touching you, I won’t be able to stop."
    "Do you promise?"
    "You’re making this hard, Raven," he warned.
    She looked down to the front of his pants. "I hope so."
    He growled. Holding onto her arm, he escorted her down the hall to the kitchen where Harley stood waiting. Jackson knew he’d been watching the two of them in the hallway and looking at the bulge in

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