Clear and Convincing Proof

Clear and Convincing Proof by Kate Wilhelm

Book: Clear and Convincing Proof by Kate Wilhelm Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Wilhelm
Tags: Suspense
charged with murder, or being an accessory to murder, she cannot collect his estate, including his shares in the clinic. In that case it will all pass on to David’s children by a previous marriage. And Lorraine, the former wife, no doubt will vote to sell their shares to an HMO or something. There is no possibility that she would go along with setting up a foundation that will bring no income. Since Annie has no money, the board voted to hire an attorney on her behalf and be responsible for the charges.”
    â€œAnd Mr. Halvord?” Barbara asked. He had not been mentioned as a board member or share holder.
    â€œBy sifting through their questions, comparing notes, discussing possible meanings, we have come to believe that they will charge him along with Annie with conspiring to do murder, and then concealing the crime, getting rid of the gun and possibly a raincoator poncho or some such garment. David’s body, apparently, was moved, and she could not have done that.”
    For the first time Darren Halvord spoke up. “I told them that if I’m charged with anything, I can get my own attorney.” His voice was deep and low, the words almost a drawl; he sounded not exactly bored, but indifferent, perhaps.
    â€œBut,” Dr. Kelso said, “we decided that one attorney to represent both of them, in the interests of the clinic, would be more cost efficient. Instead of two sets of investigators, litigators, one would do nicely. And, Miss Holloway, Sid here said that you were the best there is in these parts.” He shrugged. “If Darren hired someone less competent who failed to clear him, then Annie would be at risk, and the clinic would be, too. We prefer to do it this way.”
    Barbara studied him: so old, and so wise, and totally selfish where the clinic was concerned. She wondered if Annie McIvey and Darren Halvord heard the same message that she did in everything he said. He was concerned about safeguarding the clinic; they were secondary.
    â€œAll right,” she said. “But with the clear understanding that I will represent the interests of Mrs. McIvey and Mr. Halvord. I will keep them informed along the way, but not a committee. Nor will I answer to a committee for any procedure or activity that I deem necessary to do my duty to them.”
    Without hesitation Dr. Kelso nodded, and Annie visibly relaxed. On the sofa Dr. Boardman and hiswife exchanged a quick glance that seemed to be of relief and Darren stopped inspecting his shoes and regarded her with interest instead. Whether Annie knew that her fate was not uppermost in Kelso’s mind, Barbara couldn’t tell, but, she thought, Darren Halvord had known.
    Dr. Kelso opened the folder on the table and Sid cleared his throat, but before either could say anything, Barbara turned to Annie McIvey. “Is it your wish that I should represent you in this matter?”
    â€œOh, yes.”
    â€œAnd yours?” Barbara asked Darren Halvord.
    He nodded. “Yes.”
    Then she turned back to Dr. Kelso and Sid. “All right. We have a lot of details to work out, and I have a lot of questions. Also, I’ll want to talk to each of you individually, probably at some length. I’d like to set up appointments before we break up here. And I want assurance that I’ll have the cooperation of others here at the clinic.”
    No one voiced any objection to the fact that she had taken over the meeting. Dr. Kelso simply pushed the folder closer to Sid and then leaned back in his chair.
    But Barbara was not yet finished with Annie and Darren. She asked the young woman first. “Why do you think they will accuse you?”
    â€œMonday morning they practically told me they would. They said that from what Darren had told them, I was in over my head and I might as well just tell them the details. They said it would go easier for me if I told the truth, things like that.”
    â€œOkay. I know the routine.”

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