Clarissa and the Poor Relations
don’t see how…’
    Grandiston laid a hand on his shoulder in a placating fashion, ‘What would be the least desirable thing for Staines in obtaining Ashcroft at the present?’
    Charles looked blank then said, ‘The cost, I’d say. An estate that size, even run down, would cost…’
    ‘Precisely Charles. You are not as dull-witted as I feared.’ he ignored the young man’s protest and continued, ‘Now, supposing we could show Lord Staines a way to obtain the estate without the cost.’ He paused and looked at his companion expectantly for a depressingly protracted period. Then:
    ‘He could marry it.’ shouted Charles brilliantly. Grandiston patted him on the shoulder. ‘But I say, Hugo we can’t really expect Miss Thorne to marry the fellow. It was only when we went to stay with him that I realized what a crashing bore he is – wouldn’t foist him on that sweet girl for worlds. Strange that, you meet a fellow in the club and at the races say and he seems perfectly fine, then you go to a house party and discover he collects bird eggs or some such thing. You just never know old man.’
    Grandiston grinned. ‘Miss Thorne will not be expected to marry him, Charles, but Staines may at least be brought to think so.’ Charles looked sceptical. ‘Our stratagems are helped along by his vanity. He will, of course, believe that Miss Thorne must be overcome by his charms. We’ll just put the thought in his Lordship’s head. It is a delaying tactic. The longer the ladies remain at Ashcroft, the more difficult it will be for her brother to be seen to be acting in her best interests if he suggests their removal. The whole neighbourhood remarks the change in the estate. They are a remarkable group of women. I have yet another job for you, my dear boy’
    Charles looked suspicious, ‘Yes?’
    ‘It is time to enrich the neighbourhood further. If you were to go the town, Charles, and let some of your acquaintance know the whereabouts of the beautiful Miss Petersham…’

Chapter 11
Paying Calls
    Mr Booth was not long delayed in town, but the ladies were busy in the meantime paying back all the calls from neighbours who had been denied their presence by the redoubtable Sullivan. Whilst Miss Micklethwaite kept to the house and estate, Misses Appleby, Petersham and Thorne drove the late Viscount’s landaulet around to make themselves known.
    The first visit was to Lord Staines and his mother. Lord Grandiston happened to be visiting when the ladies were announced and began to see his plans take their first unexpected twist. As his lordship rose to greet Miss Thorne, the Earl was pleased to see that his eyes lit up at the sight of such a pretty young heiress to the land he so cherished. The depth of his bow over Clarissa’s outstretched hand was the sure sign of a beginning flirtation and Grandiston was pleased to think that his stratagems had worked so well. It did not last, however. As Staines rose, his eye alighted on her companion and his jaw dropped, as Clarissa noticed with amusement.
    Oriana, who had given up her attempts to look like a school mistress since the appearance of her old friend, looked perfectly ravishing in a pale blue velvet pelisse and high crowned bonnet. The peacock feather that curled gently over the brim contained the deep green of her eyes whilst the golden curls framed a face so beautiful as to leave their host temporarily bereft of speech. Oh well, thought Grandiston - always a man to respond to the moment - that will do quite as well.
    Lady Staines (in primrose and a pink shawl) took in the situation at a glance and came forward to welcome the ladies and to sit them down. ‘Who is this girl?’  She thought, ‘Why didn’t I catch her name?’ However, Clarissa was introducing her and the silly Appleby woman again and her ladyship smiled easily while she thought madly. She had a natural bias against a young lady whose hair was the colour that she herself tried to

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