Clan of Redemption
Dad sad
as he came into the kitchen.
    “No, but I thought it
sounded good with the casserole. I’ll take some water too Jayden,”
Sully said.
    “So, this must be Blake.”
My Dad said as he came and stood next to me in the
    “Hi Mr. St.Claire, yes I’m
Blake, it’s nice to finally meet you,” he stood up and offered is
hand to my Dad.
    “So I hear that you are
going to Ilwaco with my daughter and Sully. I want you to be aware
that my daughter has taken plenty of self defense classes, her
pepper spray and a tazer.” Dad said.
    “Dad, I’m sure that there
won’t be any need for that, plus it’s not a very nice welcome is
it,” I said as I started to eat my dinner.
    "It’s ok Jayden, if I had
a daughter I would probably feel the same way. I will look out for
your daughter and treat her with the utmost respect,” Blake
    “You see that you do, or
you might see a side of me that hasn’t come out in many years,” he
said as he took a drink from his glass of I water I had poured
    “Ok, ok, thanks Dad for
putting the fear of god into my friend. I’m sure that he
appreciates that,” I said and I frowned at him.
    Dad finished eating his
plate and left us alone, but not before he told to make sure that I
checked with him before I left.
    “Your Dad is very
protective of you isn’t he,” Sully said.
    “He’s just worried about
me, I’m all he has left,” I said.
    While Sully and Blake were
finishing their food I searched the fridge wondering what I was
going to feed Saska.
    “So Saska, what are you in
the mood for…I’m not really sure what I have that you might like.
Do you want to try some of this casserole, it’s pretty good.” I
looked down at Saska and he gave me a quite bark.
    I dished some up and put it
down for him, he seemed content with what I gave him. I wonder how
he would fair on our road trip, he seems to listen to me very well,
but sometimes he has a mind of his own.
    When we all finished
eating, we grabbed our things, said goodbye to my Dad and loaded up
my car.

Chapter 5
    Driving me
    We had everything all
packed in the trunk when I heard Sully and Blake having a
disagreement about something.
    “Are we already having a
dispute before we even leave the driveway?” I said as I went up to
them to try and figure out what was wrong.
    Blake was leaning against
the door and Sully was standing next to him with her hands on her
    “He won’t ride in the
back.” Sully said.
    “I'm not riding in the
back with a dog that obviously doesn’t like me. That’s setting
myself up for a rough ride. Especially since that dog doesn’t seem
to fond of me,” Blake said.
    “Why do you think that
Saska doesn’t like you?” I asked.
    They both pointed to the
back seat where Saska was sprawled out.
    “So, he’ll move when
someone gets in the back with him,” I said.
    “And who do you suggest is
suppose to sit back there with him, lady,” Sully said to
    “I really don’t care who
sits back there with him, but one of you has to, there’s only two
seats up front and one of them is the driver,” I said as I walked
around to the driver’s side and got in.
    Let them work it
    I could hear the two of
them arguing about who was going to sit in the back. I saw Sully
try to get in the back and Saska growled.
    “Jayden, I refuse to get
bit by your dog, you need to control that mutt or so help me I will
go buck wild on him,” Sully said with anger in her
    “Saska, you can’t have the
entire back seat to yourself, there’s one seat up front and two in
the back so take your pick,” I said.
    Saska jumped up front and
sat in the passenger seat next to me and I could swear that he was
    “Well that settles that,
you both can sit in the back together,” I said.
    Sully and Blake got into
the back seat, but neither one seemed very happy about it. I guess
being afraid of

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