Clan of Redemption
barked at me.
    “Ok, now you know that I
don’t understand dog talk, so I have no idea what the problem is,”
I said.
    He jumped off the bed and
went and started to drag my bag back to my closet.
    “So you don’t want me to
go is that it,” I said.
    He barked again.
    “I have to go, you can
come with me too, I suppose that I could ask my Dad to watch over
you while I’m gone,” I said as I stared at him.
    “I have no idea where you
came from or why you are still with me, but I have to go on this
trip. Come if you want, but I’m going,” I said as I went over and
picked up my bag and walked out of my room.
    I could hear him walking
behind me. I just hope that bringing him along doesn’t cause me
more of a problem.
    I stopped and he walked up
beside me.
    “If you can understand me
like I think you do, I have to find out what my Mom’s letter meant
and why those two guys tried to kill me and the dog attacks,” I
said has I bend down and kissed him on his nose.
    He licked my
    “Dog breath, just wanted I
wanted,” I said as I wiped my face off. “I’m going to take that as
a yes you’ll go with me,” I said.
    On the way to the kitchen
I stopped by Dad’s study and asked him if he wanted me to make a
plate for him. He declined, saying that he had eaten earlier and he
was going out in a while.
    In the kitchen I found a
casserole that my Dad had made a few days ago, he loves to cook; we
always have something in the fridge to heat up. I dished up two
plates knowing that Sully would scarf down whatever I put in front
of her. She never gets to eat home cooked meals, with her cousin
traveling all the time.
    I had just pulled the
first plate out of the microwave when I heard a tapping coming from
the backslider.
    I walked over and Blake was
standing in my back yard with a smile.
    “Hi Blake, you have come
to the front door,” I said as I stepped aside to let him
    “I thought it might be
better not to have to talk to your Dad right now. He’s probably not
very happy that his little girl is going on a trip with a boy he
doesn’t know,” he said while looking around.
    “I’m not his little girl
anymore, but I understand what you’re saying. He did confront me
about you, but he let it go. He knows that I’ve had a rough week so
he’s not pushing it. My Dad is pretty easy going as long as I’m
honest with him,” I said.
    “It’s nice that you have
that kind of relationship with your Dad,” he said.
    “Would you like some
dinner, I was just warming up some for Sully and I,” I said as I
went back around the breakfast bar to grab another
    “If you’re sure you have
enough, I ate a little at Elvina’s, but every time I tried to put a
bite in my mouth someone came up and would start asking me
questions, so I really didn’t get much down,” he said as he sat
down at the breakfast bar.
    “I have enough; my Dad
doesn’t know how to make for two, especially when it comes to
casseroles. Can I get you something to drink as well, we have soda,
or juice…” I said as I opened the fridge to get the
    “I would love a glass of
water, thank you,” he said with that smile.
    He really is very handsome
in that mysterious way. His eyes are a dark brown with dark brows
and lashes. He has one of the most welcoming smiles, it’s the kind
of smile that makes you want to open up to him and tell him
    “I’m really glad that you
are going, thinks have been so strange lately and the more of us
there are the stronger is makes me feel,” I said.
    I gave him a warm plate of
my Dad’s chicken casserole and a glass of water. I was just putting
down Sully’s dinner when she popped into the kitchen.
    “What’s smells so good,
chief?” Sully asked.
    “Chicken casserole. What
would you like to drink?” I asked her as she sat down next to
    “I’ll take one of those
cold beers I saw in the fridge,” Sully smiles at me.
    “Hello Sully, did I miss
your 21 st birthday?”

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