Claimed by a Laird

Claimed by a Laird by Laura Glenn

Book: Claimed by a Laird by Laura Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Glenn
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him, ignoring the dizziness in her head. She grabbed his hand and cradled it
against her breasts as sleepiness rapidly descended upon her.
    “I meant what I said, lass,” he whispered. “ Oir gu
siorraidh is tusa leamsa.”
    She stilled, unsure she understood him correctly. She
resisted the urge to shake her head in denial. “What did you say?” she asked
with a tremble.
    His lips brushed her shoulder. “You are mine forever.”

Chapter Six
    Galen yawned and stretched as the early morning light
seeping into the tent awakened him. He rolled to his side and his eyes landed
on Anna, who had stolen the entire blanket at some point in the middle of the
night. It covered her from head to toe and she lay curled in a ball on her side
about as far away from him as possible in the tent.
    He chuckled and moved toward her, resting his hand upon her
hip. His cock stirred and he thrust it against her soft backside, caressing her
hip with his hand. She shivered against him.
    “Annie,” he crooned, leaning toward her ear. “It is time to
    The ferocity of his need to take her again surprised him. He
grasped the edge of the blanket, lifted it to expose her back and dropped his
lips to her shoulder.
    She shivered again. “ Tha mi fuar, ” she replied, her
voice shaky.
    He froze. Had she just spoken Gaelic?
    “ Dé thuirt thu ?” he replied in his native tongue,
asking what she had just said.
    Her annoyed sigh reached him from somewhere underneath the blanket.
“ Dé tha thu ag iarraidh ?”
    She could certainly speak Gaelic—the woman had just asked
him what he wanted. His stomach tightened. She would awaken this instant. And,
by all that was holy, he would get some answers out of her.
    “Anna,” he barked, pulling the blanket away from her face.
    She moaned, covering her ear with her palm. “Galen, please
don’t yell.”
    The surge of anger melted as the paleness of her face hit
him. He caressed her cheeks and then her forehead, the fiery heat emanating
from her skin taking him by surprise. How had he not noticed before?
    “Hell,” he muttered, recalling her pleas of not feeling
well. He was a complete cad for not believing her.
    “ Tha mi duilich ,” she whispered, allowing him to turn
her onto her back.
    “You do not need to apologize.” Galen dared not to look at
her nakedness as he removed the blanket. “I am going to help you dress so we
can get you to safety.”
    “I’m so cold.”
    “I know, lass.”
    He sighed in resignation and gathered the clothing she had
laid out along the edge of the tent. He helped her to sit and slipped her
sleeveless shirt over her head, his cock stirring at the sight of her full,
soft breasts. He grabbed her sweater, determined to put as many layers between
them as possible.
    “How is it that you can speak my language?” he asked.
Hopefully, she would keep her guard down for a little while longer.
    Anna grabbed her skirt from him and pulled it onto her hips.
She collapsed against him, shivering and breathing heavily.
    Galen stroked her hair as several competing questions
whirled through his head. Why Anna would speak to him in Gaelic now when she
hadn’t when they first met was beyond him, unless she was not who she said she
was. If she was not, then who could she be? Someone sent by an enemy clan to
attack him?
    He nearly snorted at the thought of Anna attacking anyone.
Hell, the woman would not even let him kill that damned Graham soldier despite
how roughly he had used her. Besides, had he not seen her in his very own
dreams two days before she actually appeared in the flesh?
    She was too strange, her attitudes, actions and speech too
out of the ordinary to be someone sent by one of his enemies in a surprise
attack. Until he had proof otherwise, he would believe the story she had told
him. He owed her that much for getting him out of the dungeon.
    Galen helped her to lie down and then pulled her socks over
her feet. Two additional clothing items,

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