Christian (Vampires in America: The Vampire Wars Book 10)

Christian (Vampires in America: The Vampire Wars Book 10) by D.B. Reynolds

Book: Christian (Vampires in America: The Vampire Wars Book 10) by D.B. Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.B. Reynolds
dress was red, a color his Lana had been born to wear. It added a warm glow to her gorgeous mocha skin, and contrasted with the black silk of her hair. He thought about ripping the dress off her later on. Thought about all that long, silky hair sliding over his belly as she—
    “Does she know?”
    Vincent turned to find his “sister” Camille standing next to him. They’d been nest mates for decades under Enrique’s tutelage, and had believed themselves to be vampire siblings. Until Vincent had discovered, just recently, that Enrique was not, in fact, his Sire. But that hadn’t changed anything about his relationship with Camille. She was his sister in every way that counted, and he loved her. She was one of the very few vampires he trusted absolutely.
    “Does who know what?” he asked her.
    Camille smiled. “You look at Lana with such hunger in your eyes, manito . Does she know you love her?”
    “Of course, she does,” he scoffed, bristling a little at the question. “You were there the day I fought Enrique. I crawled through a soup of my own blood and bones to get to her after I dusted that bastard. I gave her my wrist, even though I was gushing so much blood, she could have lapped it up with a spoon instead.”
    Camille shook her head, then reached up to cup his cheek. “Idiot. Tell the woman you love her.”
    Vincent smiled confidently. Covering Camille’s hand with his, he brought it over to his lips and kissed her fingers. “Have a little faith.”
    He made his way across the room, the partygoers clearing a path ahead of him automatically. He could have cleared the room with a touch of his power, but that wasn’t necessary here. These were his people, his friends. Lana turned to watch him approach, eyes bright with excitement, her mouth turned up in a smile that was just for him.
    Hell, yes, he loved her.
    “Dance with me, querida ,” he said, lowering his head to brush his mouth against hers.
    “The music is—” She started to protest that the music was too fast. Lana was a graceful woman, but she’d never learned to dance, and didn’t believe she could. But at that moment, the music changed to something slow and sexy. She rolled her eyes at his smug look. “Lord of all he surveys,” she muttered.
    “Not all,” he murmured, pulling her into his arms. “Just the playlist.”
    She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Sexy beast.”
    “That’s me.”
    Their bodies fit together perfectly as they swayed to the music, her breasts warm and soft against his chest, his cock swelling where it rubbed against her belly. Lana closed her eyes and rested her cheek against his, as other couples moved onto the dance floor around them.
    “This is perfect,” she whispered, lifting the fingers of one hand to trail through his hair and around to caress his bearded jaw.
    “You are,” he agreed.
    She smiled and kissed his neck.
    “Will you marry me?”
    Her heartbeat stuttered, and she froze for an instant against his chest.
    “What?” she asked, sounding breathless.
    “Will you marry me, querida ?”
    She leaned back enough to stare up at him, her eyes wide. “Really?”
    Vincent laughed, then taking her left hand in his right, he dropped to one knee. The music faded away. So did the crowds, the talk, the laughter. Only Lana remained.
    Sliding his hand into one pocket, he produced the ring he’d had custom-made, and held it out to her.
    Her eyes went impossibly wider, and filled with tears, as she dropped to her knees next to him and threw herself into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” she was whispering.
    Vincent snugged an arm around her back and pulled her close. “No god, mi amor . Only me.”
    “Only . . . I love you,” she choked out.
    Lana blinked in a moment’s confusion, then laughed happily. “Yes! Of course, yes!”
    Vincent slipped the ring on her left hand, then stood, helping

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