Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder

Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke

Book: Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder by Joanne Fluke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joanne Fluke
Turner would be livid if it had been impounded and he was one truck short for his delivery routes. She steered a wide berth around the place where Ron had been shot and gave a fleeting thought to the difference between the fronts of the shops and the backs. There were no decorative planters in the alley for shrubbery or flowers, no plate-glass windows for displays and signs. The backs of the shops were institutional-looking, just parking places, Dumpsters, and blank walls with small doors set in at regular intervals. It wasn’t a nice place to die, but that raised another question. Was there a nice place to die? And did it really matter to the deceased?
    Morbid thinking was getting her nowhere, and Hannah drove on down the alley. If Ron had been killed on the street, there might have been witnesses, but the alley was usually deserted and she hadn’t seen any activity when she’d driven in yesterday morning. Even though she hadn’t been paying much attention, Hannah was sure she would have noticed if there had been anyone prowling around the Dumpsters or standing near any of the doorways. The only other person she’d seen yesterday morning had been Claire Rodgers.
    As Hannah unlocked her back door, she decided she’d have a chat with Claire. Bill or one of the other deputies must have already interviewed her, but it couldn’t hurt to ask a few more questions. Hannah had the perfect excuse to talk to Claire. Just as soon as she mixed up her cookie dough, she’d dash next door and take a look at the cocktail dress that Claire had seemed so eager to sell to her.
    She switched on the lights, fired up the ovens, and headed for the sink. After she’d slipped on her paper cap and given her hands a thorough scrub, Hannah reached for the book of laminated recipes that hung on a hook by the sink. She was catering the Lake Eden Regency Romance Club meeting at four this afternoon and she needed to make a batch of Regency Ginger Crisps.
    Hannah read through the recipe before she began to work. She also used an erasable felt-tipped marker to check off the ingredients as she added them to the bowl. It was possible to leave out a critical ingredient when she was distracted, and Hannah was definitely distracted. She couldn’t stop thinking about Ron’s murder and the clues she’d gathered in the past twenty-four hours. The way she saw it, they had two suspects: Coach Watson and the unidentified bouncer at Twin Pines. Both of them had possible motives to kill Ron.
    Coach Watson might have believed that Danielle was having an affair with Ron, and jealousy was a powerful motive for murder. And if Ron had landed the “few good punches” that Danielle had told her about, the bouncer could have decided to follow Ron and take his revenge.
    As Hannah melted, measured and mixed, she thought about the first of their suspects. She had to check out Coach Watson’s alibi, and the Lake Eden Regency Romance Club was a good place to start. Coach Watson’s sister, Maryann, would be at the meeting, and Hannah could pump her for information.
    Identifying their second suspect would take a little work. Hannah planned to drive out to Twin Pines tonight and nose around. She’d find out which bouncer had fought with Ron and whether he had an alibi for the time of Ron’s murder.
    It was seven twenty-five by the time Hannah had finished her early-morning work. In addition to Regency Ginger Crisps, she’d also mixed up two batches of Chocolate Chip Crunches, three batches of Pecan Chews, and one batch of a recipe that Lisa had developed called White Chocolate Supremes.
    “Hi, Hannah,” Lisa called out cheerfully as she breezed through the back door at precisely seven-thirty. She hung up her parka, tucked her hair inside a paper cap, and headed for the sink to wash her hands. “What do you want me to do first?”
    Hannah stashed the last bowl of dough in the walk-in cooler and joined Lisa at the sink. “Would you mind putting on the coffee, Lisa?

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