Chimera Code (Jake Dillon Adventure Thriller Series)

Chimera Code (Jake Dillon Adventure Thriller Series) by Andrew Towning Page B

Book: Chimera Code (Jake Dillon Adventure Thriller Series) by Andrew Towning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Towning
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our mini-predator jet boats to meet them on the Finnish coast.
They recommend that we sit tight and do nothing - merely to report
any change in our status.”
Taylor nodded, deep in thought - and then he started to pace
across the bridge.
The ship’s perimeter scanners and monitors remained dark, still
and without life; this was not helping when you had started to believe
the enemy to be invisible.
* * *
    The Sea Predator received the Mini Predator jet boat back into its
huge labyrinthine hull. Winches whirred, and within a few seconds
the outer doors were watertight, ramps engaged and one uniformed
woman and two civilian-suited men walked down the ramp towards
Commander John Taylor.
    “I believe you have a problem, Commander, said the tall, blondhaired female. She had cold blue eyes and high cheekbones that
highlighted her incredible beauty. She looked at Taylor, assessing the
legend that stood before her, as they shook hands. “Major Deborah
Armstrong at your disposal, Commander. I have a master’s degree
in marine engineering and my expertise is covert marine surveillance
and tracking systems. I was part of the design team that invented the
stealth torpedoes and I’m currently working with the CIA.”
    Taylor nodded. “Your reputation precedes you, Major
“Thank you, Commander. But in these emergency situations
- my reputation is of little consequence. Let me introduce to you,
from Ferran & Cardini, Simon St Vincent, weapon’s expert, and Tim
Greenwood, who has an incredibly detailed working knowledge of
warships utilised by most world governments.”
Formalities were speedily dispensed with, and Taylor led the trio
straight to the bridge.
“We have all the data from the ship’s computer system for the
last twelve hours, as sent via the upload link at Langley. This shows
that no malfunction occurred, at any time, with any of the torpedoe’s
systems. It also confirms that no data survived - at all, about any ships
or other craft within one-hundred miles of them. At the time of their
termination, not one scanner showed anything out of the ordinary?”
Taylor nodded.
Deborah Armstrong seated herself in front of one of the
monitor screens, and began to type; she merged with the ship’s
computers and for a few moments all was silent as data flashed across
the main screen located at the centre of the bridge. Eventually, she
clasped her hands together, as if she were about to prey, eyes distant.
“Gentlemen. I think we are in extreme danger.”
“You’ve found something, Major?”
Armstrong nodded. “It was hidden within the data flow; you did
receive the reports back from the torpedoes, but they were scrambled so that the Sea Predator’s computers would not recognise the codes.”
“What destroyed the torpedoes?” Asked Taylor slowly.
“I don’t know. But they were tracking an extremely large ship, is
that correct? Much larger than your run-of-the-mill container ship.”
“But now it’s tracking you, Commander. And it is closing fast.”
“That’s nonsense. How is it possible to track a stealth ship?”
“I think it’s obvious, Commander. You are up against a much
superior vessel with far superior systems.”
“Weapons?” Asked Taylor.
“Oh yes. You’re going to need every weapon you’ve got,
* * *
    The Sea Predator’s twin hulls cut through the dark waters of the
Barents Sea with ease. Turbines roared, all need for stealth thrown
off as the sleek craft surged forward towards the protection of the
nearest Finnish naval base. A distance of three hundred and sixtyseven nautical miles.
    As the stealth ship increased its speed, so it increased the heat
signature in its stern; nose raised, it powered through the water,
cloaked only by darkness. Something thumped against the starboard
side hull and then another a moment later. On Deborah Armstrong’s
instruction they slowed their speed and she analysed the boat’s

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