Chicken Soup for the Dieter's Soul

Chicken Soup for the Dieter's Soul by Jack Canfield

Book: Chicken Soup for the Dieter's Soul by Jack Canfield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Canfield
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    My tiny mentor is always ready to try something new. Who knew he would enjoy food like avocados or cucumbers, or that the highlight of his day would be a bicycle ride? Getting out of a rut is good for all of us—adults and children alike. Sometimes you don’t have to look very far to find a new perspective on diet and exercise. Just spend a little time with the child in your life for inspiration and motivation.
    Tricia Finch

10 Tricks to Help You Stay on Your Diet
    Tell everyone you know you are on a diet. Ask them to help you behave. Ask them to work with you, for instance, when choosing a restaurant or activity. There will be places where you will not find appropriate food on the menu, and this can help you avoid them. With a team supporting your effort, you will be more apt to stay on your diet. You will want to lose weight because you won’t want to let them down or embarrass yourself.
    Keep a chart. Post a chart in the bathroom on your mirror with all of your vital statistics: date, weight, and measurements of your chest, waist, hips, thighs and upper arms. Update it at the same time each week. If you are ALMOST a certain weight or size, write down the higher one to keep you on your path.
    Set realistic goals. On your weight/measurement chart, write down your goals. How much is your ideal weight? What is the halfway point? What weight will you be when you’ve lost one-fourth of the target weight? Highlight the weeks when you reach these goals.
    Reward yourself! When you reach each goal, give yourself a present. Buy something great, sized just a bit small. Make sure you love it so you’ll want to fit into it. Hang it where you see it every single day. Keep trying it on. Do not wear it until it fits perfectly. The rewards will help keep you on the right track. And tell your support teamabout them, sowhen they see this reward, they’ll know you are seeing success.
    Learn how your body works and help it. If you know that soda stimulates your hunger, don’t drink it, and by all means, get rid of any you have in the house. If you know that something fills you more than something else, take advantage of it. If you know you must be active, then be very active. Learn what makes your body tick, and help it tick faster.
    Change how you look. Sometimes a new look can help your body feel weight-loss worthy. Change your hairstyle or hair color. When people notice the change, they will also see how much weight you have lost. It’s natural for people to reward you with compliments. These compliments will keep you motivated. Having fabulous posture helps you look thinner and helps you tighten muscles. Slouching only makes you look round and fat and sloppy.
    Keep a journal. Write down what you eat and when. Then when you see changes, you can analyze why you lost or did not lose weight. Write down how you feel from day to day. Were you tired? Did you feel energetic? Did you break your diet? Did you feel hunger? Did something happen to trigger a bad habit? Besides having a place to vent, it gives you something to do besides going into the kitchen to find something to eat.
    Exercise a lot. You have heard this before, and if it were not true, it would not be mentioned as much. Exercise makes the weight come off faster, and it helps keep it off once you have lost it. Exercise can be as simple as turning the slow walk with your dog into a brisk walk with your dog.
    Photograph yourself as you go. Post the pictures around your home so you and others can see where you were. A mirror is often deceiving, but pictures do not lie. Plus, you’ll have a record of your hard work when you reach each goal, especially your final goal.
    Flaunt it. Wiggle your stuff. Strut. Feel proud. Let the world know how good you feel by how you move your body.
    Felice Prager

Raspberries & Cream Soy Smoothie
    1 cup soy milk or low-fat milk
    8 ounces silken tofu (or 1.2 package of Nasoya Silken

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