Tasmôrden’s attention. But if Tasmôrden ceased to believe their feints at the bridges, and if Ilefínian fell to Tasmôrden quickly, and he was then able to secure himself behind Ilefínian’s walls before the snows, then… then it was a far grimmer situation, with many of Ninévrisë’s people in a way to suffer for it, and many to pay with their lives.
“We should have camps across the river,” Tristen said to Cefwyn.
“We should cross the bridges now. We should make the threat so strong he will have to regard it, and not dare move on Ilefínian.”
“ If Lord Brysaulin can find me wagons. I have had some moved in.
But how many others might I rely on? Gods know. My chancellor counted haystacks, not wagons.”
Wagons. Always there was the consideration of moving in force, never striking with the light cavalry, which Tristen would have wished, against this quick-footed enemy. He had believed from the first day in Guelessar that they should move at once and not delay for marriages and swearings and musters and the objections of all Cherryh, C J - Fortress 02- Fortress of Eagles the northern barons. He had thought the first time he had heard of Tasmôrden rising against Ninévrisë’s claim to the Regency that they should be straightway across the river on the southern bridges out of Amefel, march to the capital with light horse, receive it from Elfharyn, who would almost certainly yield it to Ninévrisë as soon as she appeared at the gates, and only afterward hold the land by drawing heavy forces across from Guelessar… but, no, Cefwyn had to receive the oaths first. Then it was deep autumn. Then they dared not launch a campaign, because it was bound to be laborious and slow in rainy autumn. Tristen frowned at what he heard now, which only confirmed what he had already thought; and now he saw the map as if it were before him, the bridges that led from Amefel to Elwynor repaired this summer; likewise those that had once led from Murandys to Elwynor in the north repaired this fall. “We might still move. Open an attack from Amefel, now. Cevulirn can carry it. You have the oaths. The north may be unready, but the south could march and the north could move as soon as they can. In the meanwhile Tasmôrden will not have Ilefínian.”
“We have to move as planned. The eastern and northern barons must come in…”
“No?” Cefwyn looked wryly astonished, not angry; but only then did Tristen recall that no one said no to Cefwyn these days.
“No, sir,” he said doggedly, compounding the offense, such as it was, out of his friendship and the fact that for a month he had had no chance to give his views. “Move Ivanor in from the south, out of Amefel. That would save Ilefïnian. It lies far closer to that border.
Cherryh, C J - Fortress 02- Fortress of Eagles Tasmôrden would know a force out of Amefel could come at his back at the river, and he would race to reach the capital to prevent us taking it. We could move faster, with only the light horse, out of his east. If he besieged the town, that would put him between two and even three forces if you brought in the heavy cavalry from the north and the Lanfarnessemen came in from the southwest.”
He thought that Cefwyn would agree. The resolution seemed there for an instant, the fierce enthusiasm of the summer. But worry and doubt worked there, too, and he saw Cefwyn’s deep unhappiness and disbelief in his own answer.
“We cannot.”
“But if we had the Guelen cavalry and the Ivanim, moving quickly
—before the snow—would the north object to winning the war, sir?”
“The south must not be the source for a move across the river.”
“It only makes sense—”
“The south is tainted with sorcery, do you see?”
“Not since Lewen field—”
“In Guelen minds it is tainted with sorcery. Amefel is full of heretics
—in Guelen minds. Her Grace must win based in the east . In the east of Elwynor are folk strongly kin to Guelessar
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