Chastity Belt

Chastity Belt by Shoshanna Evers

Book: Chastity Belt by Shoshanna Evers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shoshanna Evers
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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Chapter One
    Georgia Hearn sat at the corner table in the sandwich shop and sipped her Diet Pepsi. She had refilled the damn thing so many times she was amazed that they hadn’t kicked her out yet. Making use of the free wi-fi, she stared at her laptop as if it might give her the answer to her prayers. Well, it might, right?
    She typed “make money fast” into her search bar and sighed. She probably typed that in at least once a week. All it ever got her was a bunch of scams, several of which she had gamely fallen for. Getting paid to fill out surveys? Check. Run an easy, no-work-involved online store? Check. Stuffing envelopes at home? Assembling crafts? Double check. Or in her case, no check. No money.
    Georgia closed her laptop, put her head in her hands and let her blonde hair fall over her face. What was the point? She was broke. Wishing that weren’t the case wasn’t going to help her situation. She needed money—now. She’d been buying groceries on her credit card and that was now officially maxed out. Forget paying rent this month. She shouldn’t even have agreed to meet her girlfriend Casey for lunch, not when she knew she’d have to pretend she just ate so Casey wouldn’t feel bad for her.
    Georgia pulled her head out of her hands and jumped up to see Casey smiling at her. “Hey there!” Georgia gave Casey a quick hug and sat back down. “Go order your lunch, I was starving so I already ate,” she lied.
    Casey rolled her eyes. “Little Miss Manners? I doubt it. Don’t worry about it, lunch is on me.”
    Georgia laughed. Casey knew her way too well sometimes. They had been friends since high school and even now that they were both twenty-two and didn’t see each other all the time anymore, Casey still knew the way Georgia’s brain worked. “Casey, I can’t take your money.”
    Casey pulled out her wallet and quickly flashed it Georgia’s way. Holy shit. The girl had cash. Lots of it. “Yeah, you can,” Casey said.
    “What the hell are you into, Case?”
    Casey laughed and bought them sandwiches before coming back and sitting across from Georgia. “This is nothing. I made five hundred bucks last night in two hours.”
    “No way.”
    “Yes way. I can get you a gig too, you know.”
    Georgia’s stomach fluttered at the idea of having five hundred bucks in two hours. She started doing the math in her head. If she could do whatever Casey had done every day of the week, she’d have $10,000 in a month, and in a year she’d be pulling in six figures. “Are you stripping again? Because you know I have the rhythm of someone having an epileptic fit.”
    “No dancing.” Casey sipped her soda primly and grinned.
    “So what did you do?” Georgia looked at the devilish glint in her friend’s eyes and gasped. “Tell me you are not…an escort!”
    “I am not an escort. I work at a club.”
    “Doing what?” Georgia took a bite of the sandwich Casey handed her. Delicious.
    “It’s a gentleman’s club for men who like things not so gentle, if you catch my drift.”
    “Uh, no, actually I don’t. What are you talking about?”
    Casey laughed. “I get paid to play with them and to let them play with me. Sometimes I put on a show where I’ll get spanked or whipped in front of them, and if they like what they see I get tipped very, very well. The more stuff I do, the more money I make.”
    Georgia’s mouth dropped open. “What did you do last night to make five hundred dollars?”
    Casey finished the food that was in her mouth before responding. “I rode the wooden pony for an hour.”
    “And the second hour?”
    “I just lay on my back with my legs tied open so they could all see my bruised pussy and they walked by me and put money on my belly. Twenties and fifties, even.”
    Georgia nodded. She was used to Casey’s outrageous stories. The girl was not shy, that was for sure. “Wow. So what’s that mean, you rode the wooden pony?”
    Casey laughed. “It was awful.

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