Chasing Memories: The Forevermore Series, Book 2
again. He’d pushed her over the edge. Her tears and the heart-wrenching sobs she’d cried gutted him.
    “Lucas. What’s going on? Why did you hang up on me, and whose voice did I hear in the background?”
    The elevator doors opened on the parking garage level. Lucas stepped out and strode through the concrete structure to his car. “I was with India.”
    “Oh. Lucas, you’ve got to stop this craziness.”
    “I’m not crazy.”
    “Forget India. What are we going to do about this mess with the sale of Grams’s building?”
    “I’ll contact Richard again, and update him on the situation. Maybe Grams believed she’d misplaced the deed and requested a duplicate.” The idea hadn’t occurred to him when Amanda mentioned her findings earlier. He’d been focused on India, and the accident and couldn’t think straight, but it made the most sense.
    “Not likely, considering I found it with her other important paperwork.”
    “Regardless, it should be easy enough to check whether this man’s claim is legitimate.”
    “What about moving the real estate office to the Acquati? Do you still want me to proceed?”
    Amanda sighed. “Lucas, I need you to come home.”
    No. He wasn’t prepared to leave Miami, not now.
    “Are you listening to me?” Amanda asked.
    He let out a sharp breath. “I can’t. I’ve had some trouble down here at the hotel.”
    “Yes. Someone tried to sabotage the renovation work I’m doing here.”
    She sucked in a deep breath. “What happened?”
    “Someone cut the support brackets on some scaffolding set up on the second floor, and it collapsed.”
    “Oh my gosh. Did anyone get hurt?”
    “India. She was standing next to the structure when it fell.”
    “Holy crap. Is she okay?”
    “A lot of nasty cuts and bruises, a gash in her shoulder that required stitches, but it could have been a lot worse. Did you know Grams experienced similar problems during her remodel?”
    “Mom mentioned a wall collapsed, but nothing more. Why?”
    “Apparently the temporary supports holding up a wall shifted, and the wall came down. India is convinced it wasn’t an accident.”
    “Not an accident?” Amanda gasped. “Wait. You mean someone tried to interfere with the renovations at the Young building and the same person is after you now?”
    Lucas exited his office at the Acquati hotel, strode down the corridor to the bank of elevators and summoned a car. Grabbing his cell, he scrolled through his contacts and called Richard Davis while he waited. He needed a list of private investigator recommendations. Finding Grams’s original property deed probably wasn’t important, but he’d mention it to put Amanda’s mind at ease.
    “Davis, Grant and Bowen. How may I direct your call?”
    “Richard Davis, please.”
    “Mr. Davis isn’t available today. Can I put you through to his voice mail?”
    “Yes, please.” Lucas left a message and ended the call. The elevator arrived and he rode to the second floor. The doors opened. He stepped out and sucked in a deep breath. “Holy shit!” Wooden slats and long, steel poles from the two lower levels of scaffolding lay scattered on the ground, but the top level remained intact, including the wood planks stretched across the supports. It must have come down as one piece. Bile roiled in his gut. It would have killed India if she’d been beneath it. He picked up a few of the brackets and examined them for himself. Not that he didn’t trust Javier. He did, but he wanted to see exactly what had been done. No doubt about it, someone cut the pieces. Used a grinder if he wasn’t mistaken. Javier’s assessment was dead right.
    Pulling out his phone, he touched the camera icon. After taking a few dozen pictures, he returned the cell to its holder and made his way back to the elevator.
    He still hadn’t talked to his night manager, Penny, about canceling the reservations and relocating their guests to other

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