Chasing Di'Maggio: a BWWM romance

Chasing Di'Maggio: a BWWM romance by Elisabeth

Book: Chasing Di'Maggio: a BWWM romance by Elisabeth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth
Matty made her feel like she was on clouds. Matty made sure she experienced what she had been missing out on but he held back because he didn’t want to hurt her.
    They had no clue what just changed, but they knew something had. As they laid there sleeping on the bed, Matty couldn’t wish for this to be any different. Nicolette and Matty were so comfortable sleeping next to each other they had no clue as to how their positions in bed switched. He woke up to Nicolette laying her head on his chest. He was looking at how innocent she looked; the way she was smiling even in her dreams, the way her hair was a big mess all over her face. She looked way too gorgeous for him and he couldn’t resist but kiss her senseless again. Even with just a kiss, Matty couldn’t help but get hard again and want to go at it again, but it was time to get ready for the wedding.
    There was a knock on the door that woke Nicolette up. Matty was already awake.
    “Guys, it’s time for us to get ready. People are downstairs to get the bride ready and Matt, bro, you have to come with us and get ready,” Gabriel said.
    Matty and Nicolette completely forgot about their wedding. They both started laughing at the irony of having sex the morning of their wedding instead of their wedding night.
    “Guys? Hello! Wake up!”
    “Ugh, Mike, we’re awake....Nico, I’ll see you at the wedding.”
    Watching Matty put his clothes back on, Nico realized that this would be even harder for her if ever they had to separate and that made her heart ache. As Matty left the room, Nico plopped her head back on the pillow smiling, then she remembered that her and Matty didn’t use a condom. She started to panic, but then reality kicked in that she took birth control to regulate her horrible monthly issues. Shaking her head as to how stupid that was, Nicolette promised herself that she couldn’t let the same thing happen again. Nicolette looked at the time and realized that it was already noon. Weddings really do stress people out, but lucky for her she was now stress-free. She decided to shower and go downstairs before her mother came and cursed her out into next week.
    As Nicolette went downstairs, her mother Natalia, Matty’s mom, Katerina, and Grandma Antonia were all looking at her suspiciously. Nicolette wondered if they could detect that she just slept with Matty. She hoped to God that they couldn’t or else she was screwed.
    “Hi, mom.”
    “Nicolette. Hi, honey. Are you ready to go?”
    “Go where?”
    “Did you honestly think you’d look like that for your wedding? We have to go to get your hair done, makeup done, then get your dress on.”
    “Oh... Hi, Grandma Antonia. I missed you.”
    “Oh, amore mia , I’ve missed you so much and congratulations on the wedding. So Matty, huh? I knew it!”
    Nicolette couldn’t help but smile at Antonia, although her heart broke when she saw how weak she looked in her wheelchair and how she was using every last breath and bit of strength to attend the wedding. It made Nicolette want to cry.
    “I will have to answer that later, Grandma Antonia,” she giggled. “Mrs. Di’Maggio, hi. How are you?”
    “Oh, I’m wonderful and happy—now come on, let’s go get this show on the road.”
    “Wait, don’t I need my purse or anything?”
    “Nope. Just you. You have your cell, right?”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    “Then let’s go, my future daughter-in-law. Thank you, Nico. Seriously, thank you.”
    “Oh, Mrs. Di’Maggio, no problem. Anything for Grandma Antonia.”

Chapter six
    Nicolette was trying not to fall asleep as everyone was getting ready for the wedding. She hadn’t had much sleep at all. Her mom and Matty’s mom were rushing around making sure everything was in place. She couldn’t help but laugh because that was usually her job, and now everyone else was feeling the pressure she usually felt during event planning. The makeup artist was really too up close and personal for her

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