Change of Fate (The Briar Creek Vampires, #4) by Jayme Morse & Jody Morse

Change of Fate (The Briar Creek Vampires, #4) by Jayme Morse & Jody Morse by Jayme Morse

Book: Change of Fate (The Briar Creek Vampires, #4) by Jayme Morse & Jody Morse by Jayme Morse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jayme Morse
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stay hidden. On the other hand, maybe that was why she
had vampire hunters in her blood; what better way to catch them to
lure them in with blood that vampires go crazy over? The Hunter’s
had probably had to learn overtime to become hunters to fight back
against the vampires who sought them out.
    “So, what do we do if this Ben guy doesn’t know how
we can get Lexi back?” Craig asked from the passenger’s seat.
    “We deal with it then, I guess,” Austin replied. “As
of right now, Ben is our only answer.”
    Gabe thought back to the vision that he’d had
tonight. He hadn’t seen Lexi’s father in the vision. He also hadn’t
seen the people who were keeping him there. Yet, somehow, Gabe knew
that Ben was still alive – at the time of his vision, at least. It
was as though he felt some sort of presence that let him know that
Ben was there inside the house.
    Once Austin drove past the sign that read “Welcome
to Ocean Crest,” Gabe began to feel panicky. It had been a really
long time since he had fought any vampires. Fighting other vampires
was mostly common sense. Gabe hoped that, like riding a bike, it
was something that he would be able to pick up on again really
    It was funny how many changes had happened in his
life since he had been a teenager. He still found it ironic. Even
though he had turned eighteen many years ago, it still felt like
yesterday. Back then, before he had become a vampire, Gabe never
would have thought about fighting someone. Even when someone messed
with him, he usually didn’t defend himself as much as he should
have. His mom had always gotten angry with him over letting people
bully him and walk all over him.
    Gabe would never let someone walk all over him
again. When he saw Greg Lawrence next, he was going to give him a
peace of his mind – even if that meant that one of them wouldn’t
live to see the next day. Ideally, Gabe would be the one who would
win that battle.
    Gabe listened from the back seat as the obnoxious
woman’s voice on the GPS spurted out the directions to Austin. He
rolled his eyes. Were people really so lazy nowadays that they
couldn’t just read a road map to get where they needed? Advances in
technology confused him sometimes.
    The sun was setting as Austin pulled up in front of
the white house on Sandy Shore Lane. The beach house was definitely
the same house from Gabe’s vision. He glanced over at Anna, who was
nervously twirling her costume rings around her fingers. “Ready to
kick some vampire ass?” Gabe asked.
    Anna glanced over at him. “I’m a little nervous. I’m
the only one in this car, and probably in that house, who isn’t a
vampire. I’d be the easiest one for them to kill.”
    Austin glanced over his shoulder at her. “Do you
want to stay in the car and wait for us, then?”
    “No, that would be even worse than going in with
you,” Anna replied, shaking her head. Her short hair shook with it.
“I’d be sitting here the whole time worrying about what’s going on
in there. I’m coming with you.” Grabbing one of the stakes from her
pile, Anna climbed out of the car.
    Gabe reached over and grabbed another one of the
stakes. He handed a third stake to Crag and threw a pack of matches
at Austin. “Let’s go.”
    Once they were outside, Gabe led Austin, Craig, and
Anna to the backyard. If they were going to break into the house,
it would be best if the neighbors didn’t see them do it. The last
thing they needed was for the cops to come and arrest them before
they had the chance to rescue Ben.
    Gabe climbed up the stairs to the back porch and
glanced into a dark window. Through the darkness, he could make out
the round kitchen table and chairs from his vision. There were
dirty dishes piled high in the sink. He couldn’t see anything
beyond that, though.
    Putting his ear up to the door, he tried to listen
to see if he could hear anything. All he heard was complete
silence. Gabe didn’t know if that meant anything,

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