Chance Lost
grapevine, and Jack has confirmed it. The man who attacked you in the bar was a gang leader and he wants revenge. When we left your house last night, I saw one of the bikers entering your subdivision. He wasn’t on a motorcycle but in a SUV.”
    Jack piped in when she turned to look at him in shock. “These guys are known to be very hostile towards women, Chance, and you took down the head guy. Now they know where you live. I don’t know how they found you, but Sy and I would feel more comfortable if you stayed here for a little while.”
    “Is this what you two were talking about the other night at the party? And why didn’t you say something to me then?”
    Sylas answered the questions, his face etched with worry. “That is my fault, Chance. I was sure they wouldn’t be able to find you so quickly. Please forgive me, but when it comes to you I am a bit over protective. Please try to understand that I know you can handle yourself, but this is an entire gang after you, not just one or two people. I was serious when I said we were here for you. We won’t let you face them alone, Chance. I wouldn’t even if you left right now and told me you never wanted to see me again. I would still be there for you.”
    Chance looked down at her hands and thought about what he said. She wouldn’t be alone and that was key. Sylas got up, nervously pacing while she contemplated. She wasn’t used to having someone else to think about, or worry about before. She felt she could handle this fine, but it was Sylas and Jack she was concerned over. They were there too, and if she wasn’t safe, neither were they.
    Chance’s life had completely turned some major corners in the last week. Did she want this? She wasn’t sure. Was she ready for it? No. She only knew that the thought of not having Sylas in her life any longer was the real tragedy and that thought she could not bear. Did she like him? Yes. Did she love him? No, but there was a real chance she could in time. She still had her demons to deal with and dragging an unsuspecting person into her hell did not seem right.
    Quietly she said, “I couldn’t do that, Sylas.”
    She looked up to see alarm written all over his face. That fact alone spoke volumes about the man standing in front of her. Shaking her head slightly, she continued, “What I mean is I wouldn’t ask you to leave. I have to admit, I like this thing we seem to be sharing, but it is confusing me. I know this will sound corny, but these past few days with you have been the best days I can ever remember. I’m not ready to walk away from this and I’m not really sure why. You both feel like family, each in your own way.”
    Her answer must have quieted some of Sylas’ nerves, because she heard him sigh, but he was still pacing. “What about my house and things. I worked hard for them. I know it sounds selfish, but growing up without has made them all the more precious to me.”
    Jack patted her hand again. “I can take care of that for you, Chance, no worries. We want you to be safe and you are safer here with us, than you’d be there alone. It doesn’t have to be a long time. We both feel the need to protect you until we know the threat is gone. Will you let us do that and stay here until then?”
    “I’m not worried about my safety, so much as I am yours. You both were there and that worries me too. But yes, if it makes you both feel better, I will stay… for a while. I want a promise from both of you though, no more secrets after today. Okay?”
    Jack looked at Sylas and he came over to sit down next to her. “Chance there are some things that I want desperately to tell you, but I can’t right now. Can you accept that I will tell them to you when the time is right? And for the record, as far as we know now, Jack and I are not on their radar, just you.”
    “Are you married or seeing someone else?” she blurted out before she could put a zipper on her

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