Chains of Mist

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Book: Chains of Mist by T. C. Metivier Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. C. Metivier
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extreme. And deeply troubling. If they have done this, I fear what it may herald for our future.”
    Roger felt a chill run through him. “What do you mean?”
    “The technology that erased your memories is the least of the Legion’s powers. Or, if not precisely least , then perhaps least destructive. The Legion possess countless technologies of astonishing advancement—millennia ahead of the most brilliant scientists of the Federation. Technologies that could make the galaxy tremble. The fact that they have allowed civilization to progress uninhibited is what has led me to believe that the Legion was a force for good. Although perhaps they have only been waiting, biding their time before striking. I do not know.”
    Roger considered this. Something about the name ‘Blood Legion’ sent goosebumps pricking across his skin, but Talan’s tone was enough to make a sliver of doubt enter his mind. “So you’re saying it might not be them? Maybe someone else got their hands on the tech. A pirate gang, or even the SmugCo.”
    Talan shook his head. “I suppose that it would be simpler if that were the case, Roger…but also infinitely more terrifying. If the Smuggler’s Corporate Alliance had compromised the Blood Legion and stolen their technology, the galaxy would already be trembling, and the creature that attacked you would be the least of our worries. No…I am afraid that there is no other possibility. The Blood Legion are the only ones who could have done this to you.”
    Talan’s voice was so open, so plain, that his revelation felt very anticlimactic, and it took a moment to fully register in Roger’s mind. Roger felt a thrill of excitement creep over him, mixed with pent-up anger that he hadn’t realized he’d been carrying. Somewhere in my subconscious, I must’ve always known the truth. I must’ve known that I wasn’t just a victim of chance, but rather that there was someone responsible for what happened to me. Someone that I can punish.
    Punish horribly.
    When I get my hands on them, this Blood Legion will wish that they had killed me.
    Roger’s voice, when he spoke, was barely more than a growl. “Where can I find them?”
    Talan shook his head, his eyes downcast. “I am afraid that I cannot help you, Roger. The Legion bases are mobile and cloaked by technology that I cannot pierce. We could search for a thousand years and never find one. I fear that such a quest would be doomed to failure from the start.”
    Through his anger, the logical part of Roger’s mind had expected such an answer. Any organization that has managed to exist in secret for thousands of years is way beyond my ability to track. “So what now?”
    Talan’s brow furrowed. “Were I ignorant of your situation, I would advise you to forget about the Blood Legion entirely. If you value your sanity, do not waste a lifetime searching for something that is impossible to find. However, I know as well as you that you would not heed that advice—I can see the anger in your eyes, hear the revenge in your voice. You will not stop until you have righted the wrongs done to you…and I will not say that you are incorrect to do so.” He paused, his silver eyes studying Roger. “Considering that, the best advice I can give you is simply to wait for an opportunity to present itself. You will not find the Legion…but perhaps they will find you.”
    “Oh yeah? And what makes you think that?”
    Talan held up a finger in warning. “Do not mistake the Blood Legion’s secrecy for apathy, Roger. They have spent millennia watching and waiting, but as we near this critical juncture in destiny they will be drawn out of hiding. They will not be content to stand idly by. And they will certainly not ignore the fact that a man whose memories they erased has now reemerged as one of the central figures of prophecy. Yes, Roger Warbanks…I think that the Legion will find you.”
    Roger took a moment to let that sink in. The way Talan said ‘central

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