Celtic Magic

Celtic Magic by Amber LaShell Page B

Book: Celtic Magic by Amber LaShell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber LaShell
Tags: Magic, faeries, mythology, irish, Celtic, goddess
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so hot she almost let it go, out of fear it was burn her, but it
    Instead, it was as though the heat was
slowly spreading through her entire body, making her feel almost as
warm as when her powers had first been unlocked. Then, just as
suddenly as the heat had started, it was gone, leaving her feeling
as though she had just stepped out of a hot tub with goose bumps
running up and down her arm as the heat left her.
    She let go of his horn and lowered her other
hand off of his neck and watched as he turned and walked back
toward the entrance to his garden.
    Once he had left, she turned back to her
mother and Jasmine.
    “ That was incredible, has
anything like that ever happened to you?” she asked
    They both shook their heads, “No, they let
me pet them often, but never have I been allowed to touch one of
their horns, and their king no less” her mother said.
    “I have never even been that close to one
before, with me having wings and all” Jasmine told her. She was
suddenly looking at her oddly as though she had grown two heads
overnight. She shrugged her shoulders.
    “ I don’t know for sure,
but I think he was thanking me for getting Elysia to leave the
garden. Everything became very hot when I was touching his horn”
she told them.
    Jasmine sniffed the air around me and
finally said, “He has given you more powers, and I think he may
have given you the ability to fly” she said.
    Abby gasped, “Fly? I don’t think so” she
said seriously.
    Her mother nodded, “You may be right
Jasmine. Abby I need you to see if you can fly, if not we can try
other things later to see if he gave you anything extra” she said
to her.
    Abby nodded and looked at the sky, noticing
for the first time that it had become darker, the sky turning a
beautiful shade of lavender, and thought to herself, fly. No sooner
had she thought that one word, she felt as though she had millions
of tiny little bugs buzzing around her, even though she couldn’t
see any.
    She looked over to her mother and noticed
that she was quite a bit taller than her suddenly and looked down
at herself and saw that she was floating a few feet above the
ground, her feet not actually touching anymore.
    Her heart started to pound and she became
scared that she would just lift away and never be able to touch the
ground again when she fell. When her body hit the ground, the wind
was knocked out of her lungs and she lay there not wanting to move,
scared that she had broken something.
    Her mother and Jasmine came rushing to her
side where they helped her back into a standing position. She
sighed, suddenly feeling very tired.
    “ Is there a place to
sleep? I am really sleepy all of a sudden” she told
    Her mother nodded, “Meet me in the queen’s
bedroom” she said before her and Jasmine disappeared.
    She looked up at the sky one last time and
wished she was in the queen’s bedroom.
    When the lights went away, she was in what
she assumed was supposed to be a bedroom, but looked bigger than
her father’s entire house. There was a large queen sized bed with a
sheer white canopy covering every inch of it on one side of the
    On the other there was a setup that looked
like a living room, with a large white couch and coffee table. She
then noticed the walls; they were painted much like the first room
they had been in, with all of the different creatures lining the
walls. She turned in circles admiring all of the paintings when she
noticed one that was larger than all of the rest, on a wall
entirely by itself.
    It was the throne, from the throne room, and
it was empty, with only a large diamond crown lying on the seat.
She looked over to her mother.
    “Why is the seat empty, except for that
crown in this painting? Shouldn’t it be a painting of an old queen
or something?” she asked.
    Her mother shook her head, “No, it used to
have my mother in it before she gave up the throne and left, but
has been empty ever since. Legend has it that

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