Celtic Magic

Celtic Magic by Amber LaShell Page A

Book: Celtic Magic by Amber LaShell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amber LaShell
Tags: Magic, faeries, mythology, irish, Celtic, goddess
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the rest of her, that they almost took her breath away. Elysia
walked up to her and sniffed the air next to her.
    “You reek of human filth, so you must be
Aine’s bastard child” she said.
    “You must be Elysia, I have heard such great
things about you already, and I’ve only been here for an hour” she
said sarcastically.
    Elysia’s eyes narrowed and she could tell
she had made her even angrier than she was before. That was when
she felt it, the grass was happy she was here, and wanted Elysia
gone. She thought in her head, I wish I had all the power of the
garden at my fingers. Then she felt the air stir around her and she
felt like there were millions of tiny ants crawling up her legs,
but when she looked down, there were none. She knew then that the
grass was giving her extra power. She looked back to Elysia and
walked forward until she was practically nose to nose with her, not
knowing where the sudden burst of courage was coming from.
    “ You are not welcome in
this or any garden connected with this castle. Creatures are
supposed to feel safe here, not terrified because of the likes of
you. Leave now, while you still can” she said in a voice that was
much deeper than her own.
    She felt the air stir again, and she knew
that her mother and Jasmine were standing behind her, but it didn’t
matter, she wanted Elysia gone and she intended to make it happen.
She stepped back to her spot in the middle of the garden.
    “So, are you going to leave on your own, or
am I going to have to make you?” she asked her.
    Elysia narrowed her eyes, “I would love to
see you try to make me, you bastard human” she said.
    “You have some nerve speaking to me this
way. I am the queen!” she yelled.
    “Not for long” Abby said quietly.
    Abby felt something in her hands, and she
looked at them, gasping at the sparks flying out of her palms. She
thought in her head that she wished she could just blast her, and a
bolt of light came out of her palms and hit Elysia in the middle of
her chest, sending her flying backwards against the wall of the
castle. Abby watched as Elysia quickly stood back up.
    “ You will regret this” she
said as she flew up into the air and disappeared.
    Abby turned and looked back at her mother
and Jasmine, and was surprised to see them standing there with
their mouths hanging open. Her mother was the first to speak to
    “ I have never seen anyone
do that before” she said.
    Abby looked down at her hands, “I didn’t
even know I had that kind of power” she said, mostly to
    She heard Jasmine gasp and turned to look
over at her and saw that she was looking behind her, with her hand
over her mouth in shock. She turned around and nearly gasped
herself as she saw a large unicorn walking toward her. It was
larger than she expected, standing much taller than a horse in the
human world would, with the top of its back being much taller than
she was. She watched as it walked straight up to her, then stopped,
lowering its beautiful head until it was eye level with her.
    She was afraid to move, scared that she
would do something to make this majestic animal leave the garden.
Suddenly she had this strange feeling run through her body, much
like she had felt when she knew the grass was sad, but this feeling
was one of complete love and trust, and it was coming from the
    She then somehow knew, deep inside of her,
that he wanted her to touch him, so she lifted her arm and slowly
put her hand onto the side of his large head, rubbing her hands
along his neck. The fur felt like velvet under her hand, and as she
continued to rub him, he lowered his head even more until his large
golden horn was close enough for her to reach out and touch it, and
so she did.
    At first all she felt was the warmth, which
surprised her for some reason. She had expected it to be hard and
cold, due to the golden color, but it was actually warm and soft,
feeling almost exactly like his fur had. Suddenly it grew very

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