Celtic Fairy Tales

Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs Page A

Book: Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joseph Jacobs
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every land within his dominions to
seek for the maiden; and at the end of the year Arthur's messengers
returned without having gained any knowledge or information
concerning Olwen more than on the first day.
    Then said Kilhuch, "Every one has received his boon, and I yet lack
mine. I will depart and bear away thy honour with me."
    Then said Kay, "Rash chieftain! dost thou reproach Arthur? Go with
us, and we will not part until thou dost either confess that the
maiden exists not in the world, or until we obtain her."
    Thereupon Kay rose up.
    Kay had this peculiarity, that his breath lasted nine nights and
nine days under water, and he could exist nine nights and nine days
without sleep. A wound from Kay's sword no physician could heal.
Very subtle was Kay. When it pleased him he could render himself as
tall as the highest tree in the forest. And he had another
peculiarity—so great was the heat of his nature, that, when it
rained hardest, whatever he carried remained dry for a handbreadth
above and a handbreadth below his hand; and when his companions were
coldest, it was to them as fuel with which to light their fire.
    And Arthur called Bedwyr, who never shrank from any enterprise upon
which Kay was bound. None was equal to him in swiftness throughout
this island except Arthur and Drych Ail Kibthar. And although he was
one-handed, three warriors could not shed blood faster than he on
the field of battle. Another property he had; his lance would
produce a wound equal to those of nine opposing lances.
    And Arthur called to Kynthelig the guide. "Go thou upon this
expedition with the Chieftain." For as good a guide was he in a land
which he had never seen as he was in his own.
    He called Gwrhyr Gwalstawt Ieithoedd, because he knew all tongues.
    He called Gwalchmai, the son of Gwyar, because he never returned
home without achieving the adventure of which he went in quest. He
was the best of footmen and the best of knights. He was nephew to
Arthur, the son of his sister, and his cousin.
    And Arthur called Menw, the son of Teirgwaeth, in order that if they
went into a savage country, he might cast a charm and an illusion
over them, so that none might see them whilst they could see every
    They journeyed on till they came to a vast open plain, wherein they
saw a great castle, which was the fairest in the world. But so far
away was it that at night it seemed no nearer, and they scarcely
reached it on the third day. When they came before the castle they
beheld a vast flock of sheep, boundless and without end. They told
their errand to the herdsman, who endeavoured to dissuade them,
since none who had come thither on that quest had returned alive.
They gave to him a gold ring, which he conveyed to his wife, telling
her who the visitors were.
    On the approach of the latter, she ran out with joy to greet them,
and sought to throw her arms about their necks. But Kay, snatching a
billet out of the pile, placed the log between her two hands, and
she squeezed it so that it became a twisted coil.
    "O woman," said Kay, "if thou hadst squeezed me thus, none could
ever again have set their affections on me. Evil love were this."
    They entered the house, and after meat she told them that the maiden
Olwen came there every Saturday to wash. They pledged their faith
that they would not harm her, and a message was sent to her. So
Olwen came, clothed in a robe of flame-coloured silk, and with a
collar of ruddy gold, in which were emeralds and rubies, about her
neck. More golden was her hair than the flower of the broom, and her
skin was whiter than the foam of the wave, and fairer were her hands
and her fingers than the blossoms of the wood anemone amidst the
spray of the meadow fountain. Brighter were her glances than those
of a falcon; her bosom was more snowy than the breast of the white
swan, her cheek redder than the reddest roses. Whoso beheld was
filled with her love. Four white trefoils sprang up wherever she
trod, and therefore was she

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