Caught on Camera (Black Towers Book 1)

Caught on Camera (Black Towers Book 1) by Lauren Hawkeye, Suzanne Rock

Book: Caught on Camera (Black Towers Book 1) by Lauren Hawkeye, Suzanne Rock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lauren Hawkeye, Suzanne Rock
had, she felt strangely free. Free to be wanton and enjoy every drop of pleasure that she could wring from this moment.
    Shredding his clothes, Cole climbed onto the bed and knelt between her thighs. His eyes burned a track down her body, and Georgia squirmed under his stare.
    “I wanted to go slow, to drive you out of your mind.” Cole cupped her breasts in his hands, strumming his thumbs over her nipples, making her moan. She closed her eyes, whimpering at the loss of the touch.
    Her eyes flew open again when she heard the crinkling of a foil wrapper. Cole tore open a condom with his teeth, sheathing his hard cock in one sure movement.
    The sight of his fingers wrapped around his length had moisture surging between her thighs.
    “I’ll go slow next time.” He placed his erection against her damp opening. “But right now I just need to fuck you.”

    Chapter Nine
    Next month: Why we give love a second chance.
    -Elite Magazine
    “I trust we’re all feeling better after the weekend?” Kevin pinned both Georgia and Cole with a stare, arching his eyebrows, his message clear.
    Georgia felt heat staining her cheeks. Beside her, Cole huffed out a laugh.
    Yeah, they were feeling better. After that first time, when he tied to her to the bed and fucked her long and hard, he’d proceeded to wring pleasure from her that she hadn’t thought was possible.
    She hadn’t been this relaxed in… well… ever.
    “Good.” Kevin smirked, and Georgia blushed harder. She was sure that everyone in the room knew exactly what she and Cole had been up to all weekend.
    Did it really matter, though? The intimacy had been between them, and no one else. Who cared who knew?
    “So today’s the big sex scene day.” Kevin gestured to the robes that both Georgia and Cole were wearing. “We’re filming this a little differently than you might have done these scenes before. We’re going to shoot this scene in one long shot with no cuts. If we need another take, we’ll do it after this one is completely done. So everybody get comfortable.”
    Georgia felt surprisingly shy as she slid under the covers of the bed on set, then slipped out of her robe and handed it to a production assistant. Beside her, Cole did the same, and when the steel strength of his naked thigh brushed against hers, she caught his eye and bit her lip.
    “Do you trust me?” Cole eased her back on the bed in the position Kevin wanted them in, ranging himself overtop of her. He was hard, his erection pressing against her thigh, reminding her of how sore she was after their weekend sexfest.
    “You’re supposed to be wearing underwear!” Georgia hissed up at him, but her his arched to press into him all the same.
    He grinned wickedly down at her.
    “I discovered something about you this weekend, Georgie.” Dipping his head so that she could hear his whisper, she ran her tongue over her lips. “You still want the thrills of the old days, just without the drugs or the booze.”
    “What makes you say that?” Georgia knew the production people around them were bustling around, preparing for Kevin to yell action, but her attention was focused only on Cole.
    “You’re still my dirty girl.” He smirked down at her and gave just the slightest roll of his hips. “Let me help you find safe outlets for the thrill-seeker in you. Trust me.”
    “Cole!” It hit her then, what he was planning. She slapped her hands against his chest, but it was like trying to move a boulder. “Don’t you dare!”
    “Action!” Kevin yelled, Cole dipped his mouth to kiss her as the script called for, and her protest was swallowed whole.
    The scene called for some hot kissing, Cole on top of Georgia. After about thirty seconds, he was supposed to reach down between their bodies, ostensibly to position himself at her entrance.
    Except that instead of pretending, when he slid his hand down between them, Cole’s clever fingers tugged her nude thong aside and guided himself

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