Caught on Camera

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Book: Caught on Camera by Kim Law Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kim Law
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upset because the woman he wants to bid on him tonight can’t. She’ll be there working instead.”
    He threw a hard stare into the rearview mirror, accomplishing nothing but making Cat giggle.
    “I’m right, aren’t I?”
    He liked that she definitely seemed to be coming out of her mourning period for her husband, but why she had to continually taunt him was a mystery.
    His answer was another shift of his thumb, pumping music into the cab of the vehicle, this time louder. His mother sat back and looked back and forth between the two of them.
    “Is she right?” She had to raise her voice to be heard over the music, and he didn’t even feel bad about it. “Do you have your eye on someone, Jackson?”
    “For crying out loud.” He jabbed at the wheel, and the music silenced, then he took a hard right and shot up the interstate on-ramp. “Cat’s just pecking for information on my date last night.”
    “I’m not pecking,” Cat said smugly. “I know exactly how it went. You had dinner at my house, and when I returned, she was gone and you were there doing the dishes. Alone. I doubt you ran over to her hotel after tucking Becca and Tyler into bed, either.”
    “Interesting,” Emma murmured. “Who is this woman and why don’t I know about her?”
    “I don’t make a habit of introducing my dates to you, Mother.”
    “Yet I’m typically fully aware of who you do and do not go out with. I don’t recall hearing a thing about this one.”
    “It was just last night.” He couldn’t get to the gala fast enough.
    “Uh-huh. And the evidence is usually posted somewhere on the Internet before you climb out of her bed the next morning. Which has to stop, by the way. You have a new kind of reputation to build now. We need to focus on that.” She eyed her daughter. “They had dinner at your house?”
    Cat smiled, the look of a sibling having something over on the other. “She refused to be seen in public with him.”
    A horn honked as the car jerked into another lane.
    “Be careful, Jackson.” His mother patted his forearm, and he couldn’t help but tense beneath her hand. “Don’t get us killed just because last night didn’t end the way you wanted.” She turned back to Cat. “Who is she? And what do you mean she’ll be there working tonight?”
    “That camera lady from Savannah. The one who was at both the golf tournament and the luncheon yesterday. You remember? Long dark hair in a ponytail? Gorgeous mouth, and legs that could make any man beg?”
    “Can you give it a rest?” he snarled.
    “But let me tell you,” Cat said, ignoring him.
    If it wasn’t for the fact he was pathetic enough that he wanted to hear whatever she had to say about Vega, he would make it clear that she needed to stop.
    “The woman has style,” Cat continued. “Gorgeous pair of Alexander McQueens. And her clothes were straight out of a fashion magazine.”
    “Alexander McQueens?” his mother asked. “How does she afford them? I wouldn’t think videographers made that much.”
    Cat shrugged. “She said they were several years old, so who knows. Maybe she had her a sugar daddy at some point.”
    The idea was not a pleasant one, though he also couldn’t bring himself to believe it could be true either. Vega seemed much too self-sufficient to let some man pay her way.
    “You don’t think that’s what she’s doing with Jackson?” his mother began, and red flags waved madly inside his head.
    “No, Mother,” JP said. “Stay out of it. She’s not after me or my money. Trust me on this.”
    “Cat?” his mother asked.
    He caught Cat’s shrug in the mirror. “She could have us both fooled, but that wasn’t the impression I got at all. I actually really liked her. Much more real than his normal dates.”
    “It wasn’t actually a date,” he grumbled, hoping to put an end to the entire conversation. “She wanted to talk about doing a behind-the-scenes interview, digging her nose into my personal life and sharing

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