Caught in the Net
the hardest.  I loathe being challenged because of my gender or age.  I
know I’ll get older, but the gender thing seems like it might be a constant
issue.  You would think I would be deaf to it, being the only girl in a house
full of men, but it really fries my spaghetti.  I hate being underestimated or
dismissed.  So please, if we ever argue, don’t blow me off.”
    “Good thing to know.  I won’t be frying your spaghetti
anytime soon,” he laughed at her phrase.  “Your turn.”
    “I do have something I need to discuss with you before
we even consider going out again.  You deserve to know some things.”
    “Uh oh, you’re in love with someone?”
    “I wish it were that easy.”  She smiled at his gentle
teasing, relieved to see that he was relaxed and at ease despite her obvious
discomfort.  “What are your personal hopes and dreams?  Beyond your career
    “They are simple.  I just want to be happy and be
involved in a healthy relationship with a lady who shares my interests.”
    “How about things like children?”
    “Aren’t you a little young to be worried about that,
    “This is serious.  Please, just answer me.”
    “Very well.  No, I don’t want kids.  You can call me
selfish, but I want the freedom to explore the world with my partner and
concentrate on my career.  It’s not that I don’t like children, but I know I
would make them miserable because I would be too overprotective.  Terrible,
    “Not at all.  And, thank you for being honest,” Sam
said quietly.  She took a deep breath.  “Rich, I can’t have children. 
Everything was crushed during the accident.  Dad and Scott were devastated
because they wanted me to be terrorized by mini-mes.  I just wanted to be up
front with you about that; so you didn’t waste your time in case it was
important to you.  I didn’t want you to be hurt or disappointed, just in case
we decided to pursue this relationship.”
    Rich reached for her hand.  “Your concern for my
feelings just told me everything I could ever want to know about you.  Thank
you.  And I hope we do get serious.  But, you must like doing some traveling. 
I get restless easily.”
    “I like travel as long as it involves boats, planes or
swimming.  And I need to be allowed to operate the boat or plane.  I’m not too
keen on anything with wheels.  I am also confined to living in close proximity
to the ocean.  You know, because of my issues.”
    “Hmmm, force me to hang around a beautiful woman and
the open sea.  I can deal with that.  What’s your biggest vice?”
    “Don’t you already know?  My temper and big mouth. 
I’m too opinionated sometimes.  Yours?’
    “Perfectionism.  I can’t forgive myself for doing just
enough.  I’m too self-controlled.  Your Achilles’ heel?”
    “My family.  My biggest fear is losing my brother
during a mission.  That’s why I put myself in so much danger when the accident
occurred.  I was losing him.  Nothing else mattered.”
    “I wasn’t aware of that.  I guess I assumed you were
just being reckless.  Please forgive me.”
    “People who know us call us ‘twins’.  Same date of
birth, same time, exactly four years apart.  My parents were smart about
preparing him.  When my mother started showing, they told Michael that they
were growing a very special birthday present for him because I was due the same
month.  When Mom went into labor, Uncle Scott told Michael that they had gone
to the hospital where Daddy worked to pick up his present.  Scott brought Mike
in and Mom wished him a Happy Birthday as she handed me over to him.  Daddy
said he kicked the nurse because he didn’t want her to take away his present,”
she giggled.  “It hasn't changed.  He’s been that way since.”
    “You’re very fortunate.  I envy your upbringing,” Rich
said softly. 
    “I know that I am the luckiest girl in the world. 
I’ve never known loneliness and I’ve had

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