Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2)

Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2) by Vera Quinn

Book: Catching Forever (BlackPath MC Book 2) by Vera Quinn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vera Quinn
“My head feels like I was hit with a sledge hammer. I want to see Dra before I get meds. Dad can I see Dra?” Yeah, my girl cares for Dra.
    “Listen, Dra will be here in just a little while. I’ll send him in. Only one of us at a time are allowed. Ty wants to see you, and your Uncle Blake is here. I’m going to send them in one at a time and then Dra is staying the night with you. Is that ok?” I know if Dra ever gets back here he’s not leaving. I bend over and give Callie a kiss on the head and I can finally breathe.
    “Mr. Black, you go ahead. I’ll be here and it probably won’t be long until she is ready for those meds, then she’ll probably be out for a while.” The nurse is trying to be helpful, but I wish Callie would go ahead and take her drip so she’d be out of pain. I know she won’t until she sees Dra.
    I walk back into the waiting room and as soon as I open the door I see the eyes of the man who put Callie here and I feel a rage that no man can contain. I take big steps towards him and Ty and a man I hadn’t seen in two years step between us. Blake is here. The son of a bitch I swore I would kill if I ever laid eyes on again.
    “Back off, Chief. These men are in my custody and unless you want the entire Marshall’s office to come down on you, back off.” I give Blake a searing look.
    “Always hiding behind that badge, aren’t you? One day you won’t have it, and we will settle our score. What is this son of a bitch doing here?” Blake knows I will tolerate him, but Devil is a different story.
    “Callie asked me to come before. She asked for my help and I’ve never been able to tell her no, about anything. She won’t want them hurt and they are being detained by me. If she wants to press charges, then Devil goes to jail, but we both know our girl.” Blake shakes his head.
    “Callie is awake.” Dra jumps to his feet and I now have everyone’s attention. “She’s still groggy and she won’t take her drip for pain until she sees Dra is ok. You can go back one at a time or you can wait until tomorrow and Dra can go back and she’ll take her meds.” I look around. I was watching Devil out of the corner of my eye and when I said she asked for Dra it took the wind right out of him. I feel satisfaction in that.
    “I’ll wait until tomorrow if you say she’s ok, Dad. I’d rather her have her pain meds.” That’s my boy. I look at Blake and wait. Blake goes in front of Dra.
    “Tell her I’m here and I have Devil with me. It will ease her mind. Also tell her I will see her tomorrow and I love her.” At least Blake hasn’t lost all his mind. He still puts Callie first.
    “Thank you both. I will tell her Blake, and I’ll tell her for you, too, Tazer.” Dra turns to leave but Devil speaks up.
    “Will you tell her I’m sorry?” Dra turns and glares at Devil and nods his head quickly and he is gone.
    “Ty let’s get something to eat so we can get back here. Waiting room is ours tonight.” I am headed toward the door.
    “You know I’m not going away. I’m transferring to Colorado. I’m going to be close to Callie and you’re going to have to deal with it.” I don’t have to deal with the asshole. I am almost to the elevator with Ty behind me when the doors open and I thought I was leaving the two men I hated most behind me when who steps off the elevator but Diamondback himself. Fuck! Could anything else happen today?
    “Well, Chief we meet again. Where’s my daughter? And who do I need to kill for hurting her?”  Diamondback is in true form and for once I agree with him. I just can’t figure out how he found out so soon.
    “Don’t make me regret calling you old man. Is this how you’re going to repay me, by making me arrest you?” Blake had made it over to us and now I know the years of being undercover definitely fried his brain.
    “You called him? Why the hell would you do that?” I just don’t know why Blake would even think to do this.
    “Callie had me

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