Catching Eagle's Eye

Catching Eagle's Eye by Samantha Cayto

Book: Catching Eagle's Eye by Samantha Cayto Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Cayto
Tags: Erotic Romance
punched up as if he hadn’t just gotten off. “Go do what I told you to do, boy, before I redden your ass for your insolence.”
    Will’s expression turned solemn. “Yes, sir.” As he passed Dane, however, there was a distinct gleam in his eyes.
    Dinner was surprisingly normal given what promise the weekend held. The setting of the resort was fabulous, and Dane had asked the host to seat them by the window. Will could see the ocean crashing against the rocks below them as they feasted on the perfectly cooked seafood that Dane ordered. It was amazingly easy to cede total control to the other man. With Dane in charge, Will could simply sit back and enjoy whatever came.
    They chatted easily about the same kinds of things any couple would on a date because that was essentially what they were on. They talked shop a little bit, and Dane told Will some non-classified stories of his deployments. Knowing what SEALs did was not the same as hearing about what an actual SEAL had really done in combat. They talked too about family, or at least Will did. Dane didn’t seem as willing to discuss his, and Will didn’t pry.
    The beginning of their short vacation was all so…magical. And just thinking about it made him feel as if he’d inherited a second X chromosome, but he couldn’t help it. Sitting here in this beautiful place with a gorgeous, sexy-as-sin guy, he felt pampered and wanted and safe. If that made him a girl, then so be it.
    He really needed to remind himself, though, that they had one weekend of fun planned and that was all. Dane wasn’t looking for a boyfriend. He’d been upfront about how far things would go between them. No matter how wonderful this vacation turned out, Will had to rein in his more romantic side and accept it for what it was—a marathon of sex with a BDSM tutorial thrown in for extra measure. As long as he was what Dane wanted, he would be happy, he had to be happy.
    That included the fucking steel prison his cock was incarcerated in. He hated the thing, and that was, of course, the whole point. His suffering got Dane off. Getting Dane off, got Will off. It wasn’t a lifestyle for everyone, yet it worked for them. The way his dick kept straining against its confines, desperate to get hard, was testament to that. He couldn’t wait to see what Dane had planned for him later.
    Leisurely eating was the norm while on vacation. Although they had arrived at the tail end of the dining hours, the staff didn’t hurry them. After a couple of hours of multi-courses, however, Dane finally called it done. He had limited them both to only two glasses of wine, which mystified their server as did Dane’s refusing the offer for dessert.
    The look Dane gave Will as they stood up sent a spark to his already aching groin. They returned silently to their room, the sexual tension a tangible thing between them. Will’s nerves were exquisitely frayed with anticipation. He had no idea what Dane had planned for the rest of the night. He should have been frustrated. Instead, he was incredibly aroused. The waiting ended as soon as Dane closed and locked the door behind them.
    “Strip,” he ordered and the no-nonsense tone he used was a total turn-on.
    He did as ordered in an unhurried fashion, wanting to give Dane the small gift of anticipation, too. As he took off each piece, he folded it and placed it on the corner chair. As he wore only a T-shirt, jeans, sandals, and the chastity device, it didn’t take long. When he was done, he stood with his back ramrod straight, his hands clasped behind his waist, and his eyes forward. He’d read about different positions that a sub should hold for his master, and it was so like being at parade rest, it was natural to him.
    “Hmm,” Dane murmured as he walked around Will, pushing his body this way and that to adjust his stance. “Not bad. Not bad at all, except your eyes should be down. I’m not your commanding officer, I’m your Master.”
    Will lowered his gaze

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