Cast in Ice

Cast in Ice by Laura Landon

Book: Cast in Ice by Laura Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Landon
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    “Neither Ellsworth nor Willard come from money or, from what I’ve gathered, would have been able to come up with the capital it would have taken to open such a lavish establishment as The Soiled Dove . Everything about the gaming hell is a show of elegance that far surpasses the upbringing of either of the owners. Its opulence contributes to its appeal. Its rich décor, along with the never ending supply of liquor, draws members of all ages, as well as from even the highest rankings of Society.”
    “Do you think this anonymous partner is titled?” Mack asked.
    “That would be my guess.”
    “What reason would any member of Society have for involving himself in something as questionable as The Soiled Dove ?” Jack asked. “Surely no one would want to risk being identified as owning a gaming hell.”
    “They would if they were desperate for money,” Mack answered.
    “And what venture has the better potential for bringing in a steady and lucrative income than a gaming hell?” Nick said. “Especially one that is seen with an advantage toward the house, and not the players.”
    “So we need to discover which titled nobleman is in need of funds,” Jack said.
    Nick couldn’t help but laugh. “That would be about half of London Society. Perhaps more.”
    “How are we going to figure out who this mystery owner is, then?”
    Mack leaned forward in his chair and rested his chin on his steepled fingers. This was a typical thinking posture for him. After a few moments, he lowered his hands and lifted his gaze. His expression was serious.
    “Nick, you see what you can discover from the inside. Watch Ellsworth and Willard. You said Willard’s office was on the second level?”
    Nick nodded.
    “Is there any chance that you can get into the office without getting caught?”
    “Probably,” Nick answered.
    “That’s undoubtedly our best chance of finding anything that will expose our mysterious owner,” Mack said. “And, of course, you’ll want to attend a number of social events. That will provide you an opportunity to make some discrete inquiries. Perhaps the name of someone who is desperate for a large amount of money will surface.”
    Nick wanted to balk at Mack’s suggestion. The last place he wanted to be was at an event where Winnie might also be in attendance. The last person he wanted to be near was the woman who affected him like no other woman did. And yet, a part of him ached to see her again. To be near her, and hold her in his arms. Which she wasn’t ready to admit she wanted as desperately as he did.
    “Is something wrong?” Mack asked.
    “No,” Nick answered. “It’s just that mixing with Society isn’t something I enjoy overmuch.”
    “Which means you’ve associated with the likes of us far too long,” Jack teased. “Our lower upbringings have rubbed off on you.”
    “It only means I far prefer the likes of you.” His admission slipped out before he could take it back. It exposed more about his family than he wanted to reveal. Especially to men as perceptive as Mack Wallace and Jack Conway.
    Nick had never been sure of where he fit in. His father had been a commoner. A solicitor. A man who’d worked for the nobility, but was never one of the titled elite. And his mother was the daughter of a Viscount. A lady in her own right. A lady who belonged to the titled class, but who had married beneath her, and severed that tie to Society.
    And being their son left Nick neither accepted nor rejected by either side.
    Having feelings for the daughter of a duke only widened the gap between finding where he might belong.
    Nick felt as if he were walking down the same path his parents had traveled before him. And if he allowed his feelings for Winnie to continue, he’d force her to make the same choice his parents had been forced to make.
    And that was a choice he wouldn’t force on any woman. Especially the daughter of a duke.
    Another reason he should slam the door on the feelings he

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