
CassaStar by Alex J. Cavanaugh

Book: CassaStar by Alex J. Cavanaugh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alex J. Cavanaugh
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    “ The next few days are critical. They will determine your success or failure,” he stated, his expression grave. “We begin the testing process today with what will be your most difficult task. Shooting drones is easy, as they are but mere machines. Once you have joined the fleet, the ships you destroy will contain living beings.
    “ That is why today’s exercise is so vital.”
    Pivoting to face the shuttle, he signaled to the officer standing guard. The man nodded and entered the ship. A moment later, he and another officer emerged, leading a group of men bound by security cuffs. The procession moved toward the waiting drone ships.
    “ Those men,” Bassa announced, “are prisoners slated for execution. One man will be placed in each drone ship, all of which have been programmed for battle.”
    He placed his hands behind his back and stared at the young men. “This will be your ultimate test. Today, you will each destroy a live target.”
    Beside him, Byron heard Trindel’s sharp intake of breath. Suppressing his own surprise, he kept his eyes on the senior officer.
    “ Now, to your ships!”
    No one spoke as the men moved to their Cosbolts. Byron sensed Trindel’s anxiety pulsating like a beacon and one glance revealed his navigator’s ashen complexion. He kept his own emotions in control as they performed the preflight check. Occasionally his gaze wandered to the group of prisoners. The first man was being placed in a drone as their fighter wheeled into position.
    Once every Cosbolt had launched, the squadron assembled and set a course away from the base. On his radar, Byron noted the drones emerging from the launch tubes. He caught his breath, a moment of doubt grasping at his throat. They were about to shoot down real people. Prisoners or not, his first live kill would be a fellow Cassan.
    They’re still the enemy, he told himself. They were scheduled for execution because they’d committed a crime.
    Satisfied with his reasoning, Byron wiped all thought of the drone’s passengers from his mind and prepared for battle. He would not fail this first test.
    Aware that Trindel had not uttered a word, he reached out to his navigator. You okay?
    Yes, came the hesitant reply.
    Don’t fade on me now! Byron ordered. We can do this.
    He sensed Trindel’s reluctant compliance and decided not to pursue the issue. As long as his navigator maintained awareness of their position, Byron would ensure their success today.
    They did not have long to wait, for which he was grateful. The drones assembled and began to bear down on the squadron. Defensive orders were quickly relayed and the ships turned to meet the enemy.
    The drones fanned out and split into two groups. Byron’s team was ordered to pursue the smaller cluster. Six Cosbolts followed the instructor’s ship as it veered off in pursuit. The drones took evasive action and broke formation, sending each vessel on an individual course.
    “ 715T, Drone Five!”
    Byron locked on his assigned target. They rolled to the right and followed the drone.
    Keep an eye on the others! he ordered, glancing at the screen. Several drones had already changed direction. Soon their sector of space would grow congested. So far, none of the drones had issued a shot. Byron assumed confusion rather than actual engagement would be their defensive.
    An alert from Trindel forced him to dive as a drone passed overhead. Annoyed by the distraction, Byron increased their speed in an attempt to catch their target. He veered left and then right, dodging a Cosbolt in the process. The drone continued to elude them, though.
    I need to get in front of him! he exclaimed, frustrated by the pursuit.
    His flight pattern’s too erratic, his navigator protested. And they’re not even firing back.
    A flash of red above them told Byron a different story. Without need for a visual confirmation, he

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